06 August 2006


CNN just reported that a civilian vehicle was hit with what others say was phosphorous. I saw the 9 yr old boy who was burnt by the chemical and after VN I know what a phos. burn looks like. He is burnt bad--so bad he cannot open his eyes.

Phosporous is a nasty chemical it is horrible to use against combatants, but when you use it against civilian--YOU ARE THE TERROIST--Did you hear me ISRAEL. I was a supporter of a two state solution for the area, but now I have NOTHING for Israel. I want to see the bastard child of the US bitch slapped into oblivion.

Larry King was interviewing a student in Beirut--Faerlie Wilson--about what she was seeing in the city and when she started critizing Israel and the media she was quickly silenced. Balanced reporting????????I think not>>>>>>>>>>

****PERSONAL NOTE*******
The US has tried to isolate Syria by making it part of the 'axis of evil', a lame Bush slogan, but plays well on CNN. But unfortunately for the US, Syria may have the upper hand in the cause of a ceasefire, that being it may have enough influence with Hezbollah to help end the conflict.

How ironic...LOL LOL LOL

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