07 August 2006



In Qana, Lebanon, Israelis bombed a shelter with mostly women and children-exact number not known right now--more than 50 one source says.

When asked about this Israeli spokesman Dalal said that all facts not known but Israel was only going after Hezbollah positions and that an investigation was ordered into this action (because it will appease voices in the US and squash any criticism). IDF spokesman Dalal says that their was a film taken by a drone of missiles being fired, but so far the film has not been shown. Again Dalal blames Hezbollah, Israel only protecting self and was not aware of the civilians using the site as a shelter. He then goes immediately back to blaming Hezbollah for the caopture of soldiers.

Israel has been dropping leaflets in S. Lebanon telling civilians to leave, but without gas or a road or transportation and the faxct that airstrikes have pretty much eliminated all avenues of escape, what are the Lebanese to do?

CNN reports a news bite that Israeli airstrikes have hit a hospital in Bint Jbeil.

Finally, on CNN Reliable Sources, the guest talked about the unbalanced reporting by all media in the US, CNN, FOX, ABC, etc. The guest went so far as to say that reporters like Wolf Blitzere appear to be pro-Israeli. FINALLY SOMEONE HEARD ME!!!!!!

Blitzer's Situation Room lead story was that 134 missiles fell on Haifa and N. Israel the next story was the attack at Qana. And while reporting on Qana he said dozens die, when the number by other journalists is 54. He spoke to IDF on air and asked if leaflets were dropped. He never asked the IDF how Lebanese wer suppose to leave with no gas, no road, no car.

CNN has started shown a CNN Presents about the 1982 Marine Barracks bombing in Beirut. This is a definate attempt to sway viewers, for the show starts off with the mangled mess and bodies and then proceeds to tell the story of how and why.

********PERSONAL NOTE*****************

In case anyone is interested--in 1996, when Israel was fighting Hezbollah in S. Lebanon, it attacked a town called Qana and killed 100 civilians--sound familiar????????????

UN Ambassador Bolton stated at a press conference that a ceasfire will not be a lasting solution.***maybe not but at least it is a start and why not give it a try and maybe a few civilians on either side might see another birthday?****

CNN is spending a bit of time telling viewers all about Katushya rockets, how they are armed and how they work--------------why does not someone tell all about the American bombs being used and killing innocents as well???????

Busy day today and oh yeah---IRAQ vice president accuses Israel of murder with the Qana attack!!!!!!!

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