06 August 2006


The biggy for the day is the announcement that Candy Rice will go to the ME to meet with the people, but not until the time is right. What the fuck does that mean? When Israel says she can come.

Israeli general when interviewed on CNN said that " Israel cannot live under this umbrella of violence."

What about the violence toward Palestinians? What about the violence toward Lebanon? Somehow this is ok?

It is being said that Iran is financing and supplying the militants in Lebanon.

You know kinda like the financing and supplying the US does for the militants in Israel.

All this horseshit started because Hezbollah crossed the border killed Israeli sol;diers and captured two. OK I heard this one before--I believe it was in 1939 and it was a German radio station. Ring any bells?

And now--what are the names of the two captured soldiers? I do not believe they have been released for some reason.

Israel is becoming the best recruitment idea for Hezbollah and Hamas--Israel is not gonna come out of this with little damage.***personal observation*******

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