08 August 2006

AS OF 8/4/06


The IDf is destroying all the highways out of Beirut and I might add doing a fine job with those American made bombs. QUESTION---WHAT ABOUT THE CIVILIANS???????????

Israel as reported on CNN, has struck into the Christian sector of Beirut--forgive my ignorance, but weren't the christians friends of Israel in the last shooting sprees in say '82?????

This could prove to be a major coup for Hezbollah--gaining more suppoters the lionger Israel destroys the stronger they get. NOT EXACT A WINNING COMBINATION FOR ISRAEL.

Again spokesman makes certain that audience knows that the missiles that are hitting N. Israel are from Syria--No one has mnentioned that the Bombs being used on Hezbollah and civilians come from the US. FORGIVE MY IGNORANCE, BUT WHERE IS THE DIFFERENCE???????

A BIG NEWS FLASH***************

Nasrallah of Hezbollah has offered to stop firing missiles into Israel if they will stop bombing Lebanon.

Israel's reply--NO!!!!!! They say they cannot trust Hez. to keep their promise. UH_HUH and what would be lost if tried??? Israel's bombs will not go bad if not used immediately and I do believe they are capable of starting the palnes agasin.

WHAT COULD YOU POSSIBLY LOSE?????????????????????????

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