10 August 2006




US wants to be the peace broker in the ME, but it does not enter into negotiation from nuetrality; it aims are to perserve Israel standing and not to worry about the Arabs.

The US has always had a limp dick when tough measres concerning Israrel is involved. A LIMP DICK-----------A PUSSY!!!!!!!!!


Israeli cabinet authorises a wider assault into Lebanon--and who out there was surprised by this vote?


CNN gave the WTC movie 10 minutes of air time and following they gave an Arab commentator 5 mins and he had to fight thru interruptions and stupid leading questions. Arab League Sec. General al-moussa was asked if the resolution goes into effect will there be a guarantee of no rockets from Hezbollah. He answered it as he could, but said need to ask Hez. Well the show host asked the same question again and got the same answer, then host said "I guess there is no way to know if there is a guarantee." It was pathetic an out right attempt to goud this man into saying something that could be used against all arabs.


While watching a story on CNN about violence in Iraq, I noticed that the Gen being interviewed had on the new uniform. It would seem that high ranking officers want to be stylish while the grunts are in old unis and hgaving to buy their own body armor. I guess we would not want the office furniture sneaking up on generals while they sleep at their desk.

VP cheney said last night that a vote against Liebermann was a vote for al-qaeda. Are we that stupid? OH SORRY__YEAH WE ARE!!!!


Their are American citizens fighting for Israel in Lebanon. I think iyt is written somewhere that to fight for a forgein government is a crime--like TREASON.

Some of these have dual citizeship--big fucking deal pick a country and if you are fighting with Israel you have already chosen.

Yet in the invasion of Afghanistan some Americans were fighting with the Taliban, whioch was the legit government at the time, so why are they being held as traitors?

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