07 August 2006



It seems that Castro has entered the hospital for intestinal surgery. News show all in Maimi celebrating the fact that he could die. Bushy boy goes on TV and says that the US is prepared to assist Cuba in a transition to democracy. This was a ploy to see if the Cuban people would take up arms and fight for the right to have democracy. DIDN'T HAPPEN!!!

All the Cubans celebrating about Fidel and I ask myself how many will go back to live??????? Answer not too fucking many, they have it made here..And the ones that do want to go back are those Batista cronies that want to return to the raping of the people of Cuba.

Cuban-Americaqns should ask themselves, once Fidel is gone and America's interests return to Cuba will the ones in Maimi be as influential? NO you will be forgotten just like all others in this country.

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