10 August 2006



PERSONAL OPINION*************************

Hezbollah has made its point that it can stand up to Israel and Israel has proved its point that it will not take any shit. OK BOYS time to pat each other on the back and get serious about a cessation of hostilities that will be agreeable to ALL sides.

Hezbollah has now gain a lot more respect in the Atrab world, it did what standing armies could do. It is time to take yyour new found respect and become the political player that is sadly needed in the ME.


Israel 97 deaths 34 civilians

Lebanon 715 civilians 27 solidiers

Just as above these figures were as reported on CNN, Israel figures first then Lebanon and Gaza seldom gets any play.

Israel PM Olmert talks like he has no idea what is in the UN resolution being offered. Should not at least one of the major players in this conflict know what the fuck is going on?

Arab League says--"No Israel pull out--No deal!!!!!!!"

*****personal note*********

I still want to hear from the Arabs themselves, not what CNN says they say. PLEASE LETR THE ARABS HAVE A VOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

US timidly approaches everything about Israel--I say bullshit!!!!!OUR MONEY AND AID IS THEIR ECONOMY! TALK OR SUFFER, BITCH!!!!!

CNN AC360 has said on air that their is an op[en invite for Hezbollah to be interviewed; and they will not as long as reporter is on Israeli soil. Surely, some at CNN has contacts and can gewt to someone who can speak for the Labanese.

SHIT!!!!!!!!More non-Arab experts--WHAT PART OF BEING A W.A.S.P. makes one an Arab expert??????

The new UN resolution seems to be losing its luster. Seems some are not at all sure of it; Arabs not on board, Lebanon not on board. Who is on board, you ask? US and France, you know the two parties that have no stake in the conflict other than massaging Israel scrotum.

OH good another nite of "Inside Hezbollah", does CNN get points for the number of times it can run this fucking story. They just want to be sure that every American that wants to be remindeed of the attack on the Marine barracks has had a chance to see.

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