05 August 2006


AS I surf the TV news to find something to analyze I found the shooting in the Middle East; after taking sometime away from the pc I find this bullshit. And this was a written on 7/11/06 in my notepad.

" The US is on the sidelines. why? It seems to be letting Israel have its way until it sticks its nose into the fray. The US was so proud of the fledgling democracy in the area and now it is allowing Israel to destroy the only two true democratic governments in the ME. WHY?"

"US is trtting out all the experts on the Iran, to point the finger at that country. CNN, FOX, etal parades experts all the while building a case for some type of action against Iran. If a legit one for nukes cannot be found they will use the arms supply to Hezbollah. This shit stinks!"

The US is making Iran a power in the Middle EAst--it is doing everything it can and it only stgrengthens Iran's standing in the ME. Nice going dick brains."

As I have said these are notes that I have jotted down and my thoughts are a bit random sometimes--please forgive any confusion I may cause.

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