09 August 2006



CNN reports that hospitals in Lebanon are running desparately low on fuel for generators and supplies and with Israel killing all the roads they will have to shut down. That should help things get better (sarcasm intended).

Israel again is dropping leaflets in S> Lebanon telling people to get out while they can, then they bomb all roads and bridges and even attack civilian vehicles that are trying to escape. When will the world make Israel STOP!?!


Israel is killing innocents with their racist agenda, and sorry , but it is a RACIST agenda AND A PROBLEM OF THEIR OWN MAKING. Regardless of what the experts say, especially that asshole NetanyAHOO.COM (?)

*****a question************

Why when it is daylight in ME CNN is running a rerun of Larry King talking to some no talent bimbo? Why are the reports coming at later times? I think it is give the network time to edit anything coming in to be sure that Israel is in good light.

I want the news as it happens, not when King finishes schmoozing with his guests. I love the slogan CNN "All the news you can use" yeah 6 to 8 hours later.


CNN International seems to be more balanced and accurate.

Someone explasin to me please, if Israel is doing so well and breaking the back of Hezbollah, how come more and more rockets are hitting Israel?

The UN thing is giving Israel a free hand in Lebanon. This is why the US should be allowed to get involved because they are biased in the dealings and will not be the negotiator in good faith.

The Arab League is not happy with the UN Resolutuion that the US and France came up with in the early am hours. I still ask, why we the governments of the region not involved? I HAVE NEVER GOT A GOOD LOGICAL ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION.

Prez Bush has signed off on the resolution--really? He gave his ok to something that favored Israel? Damn what is happening in the world??

CNN jim Clancy reports that the support for Hezbollah is growing daily. NOw I think I was told that Israel was breaking the back of Hezbollah.


The statements about Lebanon made by the Israeli 'experts', is getting a bit lame; Israel keeps parading its experts to tell all about the ineffectiveness of the Lebanese government--Let me point out to ISRAEL just in case you morons missed it--YOU HAVE DESTROYED MOST OF THE COUNTRY AND YOU HAVE GIVEN HEZBOLLAH A SHOT IN THE ARM WITH MORE SUPPORT. YOU PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!

CNN finally had another Lebanese polical analyst on a female named Amal Ghorayeb.

And a Lebanese Broadcast Co. Sr. War Correspondent--Tania Mehanna

At least this day we had some actual Lebanese telling the world the mind set of the region.

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