06 August 2006


Big story on CNN--2 Israeli kids 3 & 9 were killed by a katushya in Nazareth--but no mention of any casualities in Lebanon. Balanced? I think not!!!!!!!!!!

*****personal observation*************

Israel will probably be immuned from any backlash in the destruction of Lebanon and Gaza. They will be held safe from any reparations and the rest of the world will pay for the rebuilding of Lebanon and Gaza.

note----US aid--$3 billion to Israel//$40 million to Lebanon. IT SHOWS WHERE THE LOYALITIES LIE.

CNN Chris Burns was doing a report about the civil war in S. Lebanon--I believe once Israel crossed the border it became a fucking war and an invasion.

Same reporter was interviewing a Lebanese journalist that works in Wash.--she was in Larnaca, Cyprus waiting for news of her 17 month baby and her mother--when asked about the evac, she said that the embassy was doing all it could and when asked about the situation in Lebanon--she told how bad and was critizing CNN and others for their one sided reporting. She was immediately cut off and CNN went to another story.

note---Leb Journalist name was Paula Yacoubian--very intelligent and articulate. I would listen to her reports and will try to find where she is reporting.

In Jerusalem--arabs were not allowed to attained afternoon prayers. So much for freedom of religion in Israel. I guess it is only for jews!!!!!!!!!!

PERSONAL OBSERVATION******************

I do not understand why CNN, et al cannot find political analyst from the region to give their perspective, instead they use tired only generals and well paid institute felloows.

Balanced????????? I think not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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