27 February 2006


I live at ground zero for that bitch Katrina and to date there is still tents and debris and feeding stations. This is incomprehensible, that a country that tries to dominate all around, cannot bring itself to help the people in its own backyard. The Feds are screwing the people; Insurance companies are screwing people and the opportunists are screwing the people. When will someone in Washington grow a set of nuts and stop having meetings and actually DO SOMETHING?

Most socialist organizations have been involved with some part of the recovery, mostly support and fund raising, which are greatly appreciated by the people. What is mostly needed is VOLUNTERS!

I say resurrect the Abraham Lincoln Brigrade. these were mostly socialist who went to Spain during their civil war to to fight Franco. Resurrect and bring them to either the Ms Glf Coast or New orleans. They could help the peole that insurance has denied, but helping remove debris or helping to build or helping with necessities distribution.

This not only would be a boost to the people but it would show a hands on desire to help and would help gain support for the politic al agenda.

What is there to lose? NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!

25 February 2006


This is something that is sadly lacking in American political arena. Most American voters are wooed by one of the two parties and with that are dictating their beliefs. Not many do the study of positions of parties to determine which best exemplifies their beliefs. And for-the-most-part, Americans are one issue voters; abortion,education,social security, etc; seldom do they research a candidate to determine if they will best serve the indiviual and their concerns.

A commonsense approach would be to weigh positions and policies to see which is in the best interest of the country. As a socialist, I see this same problem within the socialist movement. People drawn to socialism sem to be ate up with one issue only; whether it is ant-war, abortion, etc, they only choose one to focus on and only one.

I personally, look at all aspects of a position and then I make my choice to support or not. Americans need to be more involved in the political process, but instead bow to the 'wisdom' of millionaires to do what is right. As long as this is the case, we will always be a minor concern to the elected officials, who see Americans as a flock of sheep to do as they are told.

I WILL NOT let these sanctumonious asses tellme what is right and where I will put my support. I am a socialist and I will decide where and who gets the support.

24 February 2006



To cause change to occur within a government without threatening the government in its vital class interests; to ammend the way a government represents its class interests. Trade and Labour unions are working class examples of reformist organisations in favor of making the working class more comfortable while under the yoke of capitalism, while ensuring that capitalist system survives.

This a continuation of a previous post in my attempt to explain how the 'democratic' government of the US used this technique to subdue the protests of the 60's and 70's.

This technique will ALWAYS be used to ensure the continued existence of the oppressive programs of the US government.


This is a technique used by the bourgeoisie to quell any revolutionary activity. Examples of this in then US were the unrest brought about during the racial tensions in the 60's. Blacks were given more access to the institutions of the US and they settled for it and today they are not that much better off than when it began. The same can be said for the student unrest of the 60's and 70's. The unrest was quelled by the 18 yr old vote, an attempt to get the young involved with the bourgeoisie and their programs--it worked the youth jumped on the bandwagon and turned into the ultra-conservatives of today. THEY CAVED TO THE CRAP!

None of these programs gave any real power to the people, just assimulated them into the bourgeoisie and in essence killed any revolutionary movement being born.

23 February 2006


Now here is a term used by Marx and Engels, but what does it mean?

Dialectics is the method of reasoning which aims to understand things concretely in all their movement, change and interconnection, with their opposite and contradictory sides in unity.

Now you know it is not some mysterious theory aimed to confuse. In simpler terms it is having all the facts about any given subject, both pro and con, thus a complete understanding is achieved.

This technique needs to be employed by the workers to be sure that they have a grasp on any subject, especially when they are asked to choose a government and its leaders. This is the only way to choose your leaders, for without this technique you will have a continuation of the ineffective and worthless leaders you have been saddled with for decades.

22 February 2006


Ok students--what does it mean? A guess?

ECONOMIC DETERMINISM--it is alive and well today--You live with it daily--It controls world events.

What Is It????????

I shall dispense with the definition from academia--for it would be confusing and at best nonsensical.

Simply put is is --the view that human history is driven by economical factors, rather than by contingent events or by ideas.

Now that did not hurt, did it?

To prove this is true just read any article in a paper and look at it closely all news and events are driven by one form of economics or another. NAFTA, CAFTA, war and oil just to mention a few. Your government is motivated by wealth and the accumulation of said.

If you are poor or low income, you are not in the loop and of course are of no consequence. When will you get a grip on reality and decide to take your government back and demand justice?

Socialism is waiting and willing to give you the justice you seek--all you need to do is ask.


Now it is time for a truth--The American people are self-absorbed, in other words, for it does not effect them personally it is not important. So a little contribution here and there to one or more social organizations and the conscience is soothed, for they have done their part to make the world a better place.

Sad that most Americans feel this way, this is their only involvement with the world around them. They do there little part and they get a tax deduction--Life is great!

This is the problem a socialist organization is facing and it must be changed if socialism is to succeed.

Americans DO NOT care about the world, as long as they have suburbia, suvs, etrade and circuit city, then nothing needs to be changed or altered.

We as socialist have had an uphill struggle to bring justice and equalityto the people--it will be hard and at times thankless, but we MUST continue for the good of all.


21 February 2006


This is another lesson in the education of the masses.

Social Democracy is the view that capitalism is inevitable and that the duty of government is to regulate it and to protect the weak.

Basically, it is jusst a liberal democrat in the USA. The ballot box is the only tool the people have and so far it has been a worthless tool. Nothing is ever done to regulate capitalism and nothing has been done to protect the weak.

To appeal to the more radical, they also call it DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM, but unfortunately the name is the only thing that resembles socialism.

The ballot box is the way the people have to express themselves politically, a good thing in theory but in application it sucks. The choices are dictated by the powers that be. For in some cases a third party has to do impossible tasks to gert on the ballot and that limits the choices. People want to vote and have a voice, and when they go to the polls their choices are dumb and dumber.

The people are ALWAYS the loser and the capitalists are always the winners this will continue until there is a political revolution and the people demand and fight for REAL representation and social justice and equality.

You can make thwe difference--educate yourself--join the fight!

You have nothing to lose but your chains

20 February 2006


The USA is using one of their fav tactics--they are not pleased with the outcome of the Palestinian election so they want to take aid away. Palestine needs the aid to progress and if without US aid it will find it elsewhere and that is the plan. Once they go to Iran or Cuba or Venezuela for unds, they will fall into the US trap. Since these countries are not friendly to the US, it will give the US the opportunity to unleash its lap dog, Isreal on the people. You can prepare for more house demolitions, murders, and more illegal detentions.

Palestine must walk a narrow road for now, keep the US guessing while they firm up plans for the future. The US will try to alienate the Palestinian people to justify the plan they want to undermine the newly elected government. Right now they are working on a paper that will be used when needed, it will contain as much negativity as needed to justify whatever action they intend to use against the Palestinian people.


Since very litte is actually known by the yuppie larva that is now in a voting position, I will from time to time attempt to educate the masses on just what Marx meant in his numerous writings on socialism. Hopefully, it will bring about an understanding of a complex political philosophy that is a true system of the people and their interests. Since MAN is a party animal and as long as he is ok, then everything else is of no consequence, a true selfish being that believes that the world revolves and him and his interests.

Let begin with the most confusing, to a normal working man. I will attempt to put the theories as simply as possible and try to avoid the 50 cent words used by academia to empress others with lots of letters after their name. My belief is that talking to each in academia and trying to empress each other is NO WAY to advance the fight for socialism.

Let us begin with the theory of HEGEMONY.

Basically, this is the theory of technique of the ruling class to control a subordinate class by persuading them that the ideas of the ruling class on the world is commonsense and natural.

In other words the ruling class will employ all forms of persuation to convince those being ruled that their view of world events is right and just. They will employ all techniques to include propaganda, lies and misinformation.

Got opinion? Try voicing it or replace your head in thwe sand.

18 February 2006


If you, as an American, truly love your preception of pure democracy and are proud of the institution of voting, then how can you tolerate the snubbing of a democratically elected government. How can you allow the will of a people be ignored? How can you say that the voice of a whole nation of people is wrong?

The Palestinian people have spoken on who they want to lead them. Then it is the US duty, as a champion of democracy to work with a popularly elected government, whether you agree or disagree with their stance on a subject.

This is typical of the state controll of our lives and the dictation of what we are to believe. Under socialism, this would not be tolerated and the will of a people would be embraced.

I, persoally, support any and all wills of a people, even if I do not agree with their position, for the people know what they want and if given an honest and fair chance, their will will be done. The key is fair and honest--Americans have neither in their pursuit for democracy.

17 February 2006


Rueters has reported that Washington has asked Venezeula's neighbors to report any anti-democratic gestures that Chavez may make. You know like wiretapping, illegal detention, lies about international events, etc. You know the lies and anti-democratic moves made by Washington. It sounds like Washington is manuvering to start a all out program of lies and misinformation about Chavez and it will not stop there! All socialist leaning will be treated as a threat to American business, and we know that is the main concern of Washington, to keep the rich rich.

If this does not work then I look for them to start the same type of attcks that Allende endured in the past. They WILL STOP AT NOTHING to keep the money following to the social elite in the USA.

Latin America is becoming the area that Marx forsaw a century ago. There are social revolutions going on all over Central and South America and for the most pqart are bloodless. It is an up-swell of the poor realizing that the capitalists are raping them blind and they want to take bqack control of their lives.

We need to support them in the fight and be ever vigil for the misinformation that is to come. Write letters telling all to leave them alone. Organize groups to be watch dogs and report anything that is wrong. Help educate the masses on what is going on in SA.

Socialism is on the rise, let it run is course and we will be better off as a people.

15 February 2006


As a socialist, I am very interested in the events taking shape in Latin America. Hugo Chavez said in a statement that social reforms would start at the tip of South Americ and not stop until it took place in Canada. This is not the exact quote buy close. His prediction is becoming reality with the elections Chile and Bolivia, and the events in Costa Rica, et al. He is perhaps right. We can only hope.

Recently Morales in Bolivia said that he was completing the work started by Che. Finally someone is giving the man credit where credit is due. Thak You!

Now American socialists need to examine the events in Latin America and adapt our fueding parties into a viable alternative. If it is occurring in the South it can happen here, but only with cooperation and hard work.


14 February 2006


Philosphers interrupt the world, the point is, to change it.---Marx

This is a contuation of my bitches about the path of the socialists in this country. There are umerous organiztions which are socialist/communist/Marxist/etc and they all have the same problem--usually one issue . There is no real communication amongthe organizations just a lot of name calling and back stabbing making the whole movement appear to be streile and ineffective. Until we all learn to work together as a functional alternative, we will remain a laughing stock to the small minded capitalist, who by the way see us as NO threat to their power base.

What is needed is an organization that pulls all socialist together as a viable alternative. I am not saying that dissention is not allowed, just that it is working against us; we HAVE to find a waay to put aside petty differences, so that we become the new future of the equality of ALL Americans.

IDEAS? Let me know. We can talk.

13 February 2006


I live at ground zero for Hurrican Katrina and I can tell you that TV reports show you NOTHING of the devastation. Now 6 months after the fact the government is running slow and the Insurance companies are screwing the people to the point of saying it is the homeowners fault that their house was destroyed. You have no idea the devastation that occurred. I can drive down the Beach Blvd and have no idea where I am because nothing recognizable is left.

If you think that the 240 billion spent on Iraq was well spent, come to Gulfport and tell the people you meet just why ! When a country spends more on war than on the people that support that government, then it is time to eliminate the scum that runs the country. When forgien bullshit is more important tnha domestic programs, then it is time destroy those elite assholes that run that country.

If you have any compassion it is time to put American people first and apparently the way that can be accomplished is thru Marxism/socialism/et al and type of system that will put the people as the most important agenda for government.

12 February 2006


Recently some author embellished is life of addiction and rehab in a book. It was lies. Everyone is up in arms about him making money from is fraude, to include Oprah, et al. Some are even calling for him to do jail time for his lies.

How about the lies of the Gulf of Tonkin that cost 50,000+ american lives. For those confused it was called the Vietnam War.

How about the lies of wmd that has cost the lives of 2,000+ american lives, in case you are a republican or have been under a rock it is called the Iraqi War.

Somehow these LIES were acceptable the the voting persons of USA, few are calling for the prosecution of those perpetratingthese lies. why? But some little toad lies about his addiction and all want his head. Why?

Americans are truly a little people with no redeeming qualities.

I prefer to see those killing americans die by lethal injection and stop worrying about some nameless little toad with a book.

11 February 2006


Before the angry sets in, hear me out. After years of observation and analysis, I have found that a lot of my comrades are one issue socialists. Whether it is anti-war, laabpr, whatever, they seem to be oblivious to a total picture. This over the years has made me an independent. The only way to make socialism a reality is for us ALL to address the whole of the political pie, not one slice per each.

I have participated in a few scholars conferences and found that the academics are talk to each other; trying to impress other academics with words and papers that make NO sense to the average joe, who by the way is the only way socialism will come about, with the average joes making it work.

I am not from academia, I am just a working stiff that sees socialism, total socialism as the ONLY answer to the problems in our country. Theory is a good thing but not until it is put into action.

My answer is EDUCATION--we MUST educate the socialists of today so that they may influnce and educate our FUTURE.

10 February 2006

Who am I?

Before the blog takes off I would like to tell you about me, so that you will know I speak with some knoledge.

.A long time member of the Scialist Party--radical section (ties have been severed)

A presenter a a Marxist Scholars Conference

Participant in Socialist scholars conferences

Delegate a Socialist Preidential Convention

A political analyst and writer for 20 yrs

Trained economist

A really long time Marxist and revolutionary socialist

I do not boast, just wanted you, the blogger, to know that I do speak with a small amount of knowledge. BLOG ON!


For many years I have been in the struggle for socialism in America. I am a political analyst, writer and activist. Now I want to hear from all those interested in a revolutionary step to politics. I will post on all things socialist and hope to hear from all those interested.