20 February 2006


Since very litte is actually known by the yuppie larva that is now in a voting position, I will from time to time attempt to educate the masses on just what Marx meant in his numerous writings on socialism. Hopefully, it will bring about an understanding of a complex political philosophy that is a true system of the people and their interests. Since MAN is a party animal and as long as he is ok, then everything else is of no consequence, a true selfish being that believes that the world revolves and him and his interests.

Let begin with the most confusing, to a normal working man. I will attempt to put the theories as simply as possible and try to avoid the 50 cent words used by academia to empress others with lots of letters after their name. My belief is that talking to each in academia and trying to empress each other is NO WAY to advance the fight for socialism.

Let us begin with the theory of HEGEMONY.

Basically, this is the theory of technique of the ruling class to control a subordinate class by persuading them that the ideas of the ruling class on the world is commonsense and natural.

In other words the ruling class will employ all forms of persuation to convince those being ruled that their view of world events is right and just. They will employ all techniques to include propaganda, lies and misinformation.

Got opinion? Try voicing it or replace your head in thwe sand.

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