17 February 2006


Rueters has reported that Washington has asked Venezeula's neighbors to report any anti-democratic gestures that Chavez may make. You know like wiretapping, illegal detention, lies about international events, etc. You know the lies and anti-democratic moves made by Washington. It sounds like Washington is manuvering to start a all out program of lies and misinformation about Chavez and it will not stop there! All socialist leaning will be treated as a threat to American business, and we know that is the main concern of Washington, to keep the rich rich.

If this does not work then I look for them to start the same type of attcks that Allende endured in the past. They WILL STOP AT NOTHING to keep the money following to the social elite in the USA.

Latin America is becoming the area that Marx forsaw a century ago. There are social revolutions going on all over Central and South America and for the most pqart are bloodless. It is an up-swell of the poor realizing that the capitalists are raping them blind and they want to take bqack control of their lives.

We need to support them in the fight and be ever vigil for the misinformation that is to come. Write letters telling all to leave them alone. Organize groups to be watch dogs and report anything that is wrong. Help educate the masses on what is going on in SA.

Socialism is on the rise, let it run is course and we will be better off as a people.

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