22 February 2006


Now it is time for a truth--The American people are self-absorbed, in other words, for it does not effect them personally it is not important. So a little contribution here and there to one or more social organizations and the conscience is soothed, for they have done their part to make the world a better place.

Sad that most Americans feel this way, this is their only involvement with the world around them. They do there little part and they get a tax deduction--Life is great!

This is the problem a socialist organization is facing and it must be changed if socialism is to succeed.

Americans DO NOT care about the world, as long as they have suburbia, suvs, etrade and circuit city, then nothing needs to be changed or altered.

We as socialist have had an uphill struggle to bring justice and equalityto the people--it will be hard and at times thankless, but we MUST continue for the good of all.


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