13 February 2006


I live at ground zero for Hurrican Katrina and I can tell you that TV reports show you NOTHING of the devastation. Now 6 months after the fact the government is running slow and the Insurance companies are screwing the people to the point of saying it is the homeowners fault that their house was destroyed. You have no idea the devastation that occurred. I can drive down the Beach Blvd and have no idea where I am because nothing recognizable is left.

If you think that the 240 billion spent on Iraq was well spent, come to Gulfport and tell the people you meet just why ! When a country spends more on war than on the people that support that government, then it is time to eliminate the scum that runs the country. When forgien bullshit is more important tnha domestic programs, then it is time destroy those elite assholes that run that country.

If you have any compassion it is time to put American people first and apparently the way that can be accomplished is thru Marxism/socialism/et al and type of system that will put the people as the most important agenda for government.

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