Britain and Europe must take a lead in halting Israel's wanton destruction of my country For a month now, as the international community has vacillated, Israel has besieged and ravaged Lebanon, creating a humanitarian and environmental disaster and shattering our infrastructure and economy. In the name of the Lebanese people, I again demand an immediate ceasefire and withdrawal of Israeli troops. The international community has an obligation, under the UN charter, to defend Lebanon's sovereignty and protect our people under humanitarian law. Given the historic ties with our region, Lebanese look to Europe and Britain to take a lead through the UN in putting an end to this aggression. Israel says this war is against Hizbullah, not Lebanon. But the Israeli terror is inflicted on all Lebanese. The indiscriminate murder of more than 1,100 Lebanese civilians (a third of them children), the massacres and "cleansing" of villages and the wanton destruction of our infrastructure are nothing short of criminal. One quarter of our population has been displaced. On behalf of all Lebanese, I demand an international inquiry into Israel's actions in Lebanon, and insist on reparations. I have proposed a comprehensive seven-point peace plan, rooted in international law, which takes into account the interests of all parties to this conflict. It was adopted by the Lebanese council of ministers, which of course includes Hizbullah, and is supported by a broad national consensus. There is, and should be, no military solution. The plan therefore calls for an immediate, unconditional and comprehensive ceasefire and the release of Lebanese and Israeli detainees; the withdrawal of the Israeli army behind the established "blue line" between the two states; a UN commitment to put the Shebaa Farms area and the Kfarshouba Hills under its jurisdiction until Lebanese sovereignty over them is settled; the extension of Lebanese government authority over its territory through its legitimate armed forces; an expansion of the UN international force in south Lebanon, with a wider mandate and scope of operation, to undertake humanitarian work and guarantee security; UN action to enforce the 1949 armistice agreement between Lebanon and Israel; and a commitment by the international community to support Lebanon's relief, reconstruction and development needs. As part of the plan, the Lebanese government has decided to deploy 15,000 Lebanese troops in southern Lebanon as the sole military force in the area, alongside UN forces, the moment Israel pulls back to the international border. The draft UN security council resolution proposed by the US and France failed to address the key points of our plan, and was rejected by all Lebanese. The idea of an international force being sent to Lebanon directly challenges our sovereignty, and we can never accept that. If the UN resolution is to have any chance of succeeding, it must not only take into account the wishes of the Lebanese people, but must address the root causes of this war: Israel's occupation of Lebanese territories and its perennial threat to Lebanon's security. If Israel would realise that the peoples of the Middle East cannot be cowed into submission, that their will to resist grows ever stronger with each village destroyed and each massacre committed, it could also be a stepping stone to a final solution of the wider Arab-Israeli conflict. A political solution cannot, however, be implemented as long as Israel continues to occupy Arab land in Lebanon, Gaza, the West Bank and in the Syrian Golan Heights, and wages war on innocent people in Lebanon and Palestine. Fouad Siniora is the prime minister of Lebanon. This article was originally published by The Guardian. Related Links ©2000-2006 unless otherwise noted. Content may represent personal view of author. This page was printed from Electronic Lebanon, a project of the Electronic Intifada at You may freely e-mail, print out, copy, and redistribute this page for informational purposes on a non-commercial basis. To republish content credited to the Electronic Intifada in online or print publications, please get in touch via |
31 August 2006
Ernesto was a dud!!!!!!!!
People are still dying in Gaza!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is Bush afraid to debate Iran's president?
Sheriff of St. Bernard Parish said on CNN on 8/30/06 that the devastation in La. MS and AL is worth more than Baghdad. WELL SAID AND I AGREE!!!!!!!!!!
Again the media is sensationalizing reports to gain viewership--Karr case--he did not kill the kid--but the media is running every expert out to say that they were not convinced he did it. They will talk to everyone from boyhood friend to a shoe shine boy, over and over again. MEDIA IS PATHETIC!!! tHE MEDIA IS SCAMPERING AROUND LIKE LITTLE MICE LOOKING FOR ANYTHING THAT WILL HIDE THE FACT THEY ARE FUCKING CLYUELSS.
OH FUCK!!!! The 6 yr old's murder case is dead---BUT WAIT--redemption is at hand--they caught the polygamist. Now we will have endless crap about him and his followers. (HEAVY SIGH).
Don't look now, but people are still dying in Gaza. Just thought you might like to know since the mediia will not tell you.
Katrina anniversary--1 year--and now I must relive the storm all over again--I was there for the original--I know the devastation--I do not need to be reminded. Shall we move on?
It was reported that things were calmer in Baghdad today--and with that the violence went fuckin' nuts--only a politician would say that Baghdad is safer today--LIES--LIES--LIES!!!!!!!
100 Iraqi police refused to deploy in Baghdad.
Bill Maher is a smart man--I do not always agree with him, but smart anyway!
NEWS FROM 8/27/06
Kidnapped journalists in Gaza have been released. Good thinking guys.
A Chicago journalist has been charged with espionage in Sudan.
What has happened to rock? A year of songs to make out by--where are the rockers? We need musicians not pussy crying in your soup. Might as weell be country. SHIT!!!!!
People are still dying in Gaza. WHY??????????????
A school bus driver in Louisana told black children they had to sit in the rear of the bus. Nice going, asshole!!!!!!!!!
30 August 2006
25 AUGUST 2006
I have to admit the Dixie Chicks are standing up for themselves for their comment and not backing down--Now tjhat I can respect!!!!!
There is supposedly going to be an investigation into Israel using American cluster bombs against civilians--do not hokld your breath.
Israel has said that a group of the Fatah is holding the kidnapped journalists. If their intel is so fucking good, why is it they cannot find their soldiers????
I have been slack, but in my defense I have been in debate with mental midgets in political forums.
Rueters reports that massive amounts of coke from Colombia is entering the markets thru Panama and Mexico.
I thought that we went to Panama to get Noriega and that would stop the flow thru Panama. I guess I was wrong and it was something else, huh?
Pluto is NO longer a planet!!!!!! Oh my God, what is next? Maybe the gaseous giant, UR-ANUS!
Why reality tv? I get enuff reality every day--I want some fantasy!!!!!!!!!
Who is this clown from New Orleans who wants to pat BUshy on the back for his excellent job at handling Katrina????? Did I miss something????????? This sounds like a set up by the Repubs to boost Bushy's image. BUBBAS, GOT TO DO BETTER THAN THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The American people boost the popularity of shows like court tv and springer--what else could feed the mental deficient!!!!!!!
Let's see I use my VCisa card for $100 and they will deposit $1 in an account for me--save while u spend--Does this bullshit really work? Apparently.
24 August 2006
VIEWS FROM 8/23/06
Iran has given its nuke reply to the UN--and that is all CNN would say. Must be fairly good news or we would be beat to death by anti-Iran stories and quips.........
More drama for this Karr dude--relatives say he was in GA. when 6 yr old was killed--O K --it is official now--I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!
US says Iran's reply on nukes falls short--short of what??????????
Much has been written and talked about of how Muslim women are controlled by their families--But the Western woman is just as manipulated as her Muslim counterpart--HOW YOU ASK. The media details how a woman must look, act, and spend her life. NOT THE SAM, yousay--WRONG--butt breathe--IT IS THE SAME--manipulation is manipulation, regardless of the form it may take.
What is it about Americans that makes them crave fluff and gossip??????? They want to know what Britany is up to--and the starving people, or war or whatever is just not that intersting. Is it because they are mental midgets??? PROBABLY!!!!!!!!!
23 August 2006
The closer we get to 9/11, the more programming on terrorism and how to be safe--FEED THE NEED--THE FEAR FACTOR--scare tactics for stupid people.
Why would Iran need forgrein ioil????????
The US can taunt the world with their special brand of threats, but when anyone else does the same, they are silly and a danger to the world.
I have a quiestion--With the interest in corn as a fuel additive, What will that do to the food supply??????
Karr was given his blue jail uniform yesterday--I was really concerned about this.
Now we faced with the daunting task of decideing the fate of the penny--that means that we will be spending a dollar instead of $.99.
Republicans were fortuinate, politically speaking, when 9/11 happened and you can bet they will get as much mileage out of this fuel as they can before the elections, by fanning the flames of fear!!!!!
The "hatred" that Muslims have for the US is just a clever technique employed to keep a racist agenda in the forefront of the news and to help strengthen the heavy hand used in dealing with Arabs.
CNN's Larry King talks to some of the most pompou asses around--makes you proud to be American!!!!!!!
Are you assholes that anal that you cannot exist without knowing every minor detail of the Ramsey case??????? I have a thought--GET A FUCKIN' LIFE!!!!!!
Sanctions against Iran--Good idea--make another Cuba or North Korea--it will not improve the situation in any way--a wasted effort!!!!
USMC recalls people to active duty to cover a shortfall in recruiting. lollollollol!!!!!!
Congo's leap into democracy has turned into a roit with rocks and gunfire in the caspital to bring in the new era--FUCKIN' IDIOTS!!!!!!!
22 August 2006
This Karr dude has landed in LA--good to know I was wondering where the asshole was--and now I am wondering what happened on the plane--CNN will give me a blow by blow (no pun intended) account of everything he did on the plane from bowel movement to shirt selection.
KODAK MOMENT***************
LOOK AT KARR....................and tell me you cannot see he is a pervert.........................
There are those people who believe that the formation of Israel was the beginning of 'end days' and this was in 1948.
CNN is running a report with video of the war games being conduccted in Iran. Iranians are flexing their military muscle for the viewing of the West. This brazen attempt to impress the US wasx made possible by the US invasion of Iraq and as of yet the US has not acknowledged the fact that they are responsible for this defiance by the Iranians.
Some Human Rights organizations are beginning toinvestigate abuses by both sides in the ME conflict.
Now that the shooting is for the most part over, CNN is having no problems finding Arab commentators. Where was this effort during the heigth of the hositities?
European countries are seemingly avoiding sending troops into the ME probs. why?????
Bush says that the war in Iraq is straining the American psyche. YA THINK???????? But he said to leave Iraq early without finishing the job was only helping the enemy--a familiar statement of the Vietnam era. Bullshit then--Bullshit now!!!!!!!!!!!
When asked about Iran, Bush said that were consequences for thumbing your nose at the UN. There Is?? If so then why are not the US pasying for their thumbing pertraining to Iraq??? Riddle me that!!!!!!
21 August 2006
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The war that will end all wars?
08/17/2006 08:18 PM | By George S. Hishmeh, Special to Gulf News What are the chances that the futile month-long war that Israel had launched on Lebanon and the humiliating and embarrassing defeat it was dealt with will serve as "the war that will end all wars" between Israelis and Arabs? It certainly could, if the cards are played correctly. But the chances that this may happen may still be bordering on wishful thinking. And a lot may depend on what the Bush administration and its discredited Israeli ally may want to do, certainly in the months ahead. The two countries have had in the past few months a shady relationship, as the public accounts now clearly attest. Seymour M. Hersh, writing in The New Yorker this week, says the Bush administration "was closely involved in the planning of Israel's retaliatory attacks" against Lebanon's Hezbollah. "Both President Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney were convinced," the respected American newspaperman reported, "that a successful Israeli Air Force bombing campaign against Hezbollah's heavily fortified underground-missile and command-and-control complexes in Lebanon could ease Israel's security concerns and also serve as a prelude to a potential American preemptive attack to destroy Iran's nuclear installations, some of which are also buried deep underground." Quoting an unidentified Middle East expert with "knowledge of the current thinking of both the Israeli and the US governments", Hersh said the White House "was more focused in striping Hezbollah of its missiles, because, if there was to be a military option against Iran's nuclear facilities, it had to get rid of the weapons that Hezbollah could use in a potential retaliation at Israel". Bombing plan In high-level discussions in Washington cited by Hersh, Israel was apparently able to convince Washington of its bombing plan by citing "the war in Kosovo as an example of what Israel could try to achieve". He added, "The Israelis told (Secretary of State) Condi Rice, 'you did it in about 75 days, but we need half of that 35 days'." But Israeli columnist Gideon Levy of Haaretz, weighing the failure of Israel's Lebanese misadventure, expressed hope that this "might teach the Americans the important lesson that there is no point in pushing Israel into military adventures". Had Israel succeeded, Levy feared, "the US would have pushed us into a military clash with Syria and, drunk with victory, we might have been tempted. Iran might have been next". Further, he went on, Israel would be tempted "to solve the Palestinian problem at its root by pounding, erasing, bombing and shelling". Regardless of who was pushing whom in this fiasco, the results have once again exposed the Bush administration's incompetence in foreign affairs and for the first time cut Israel down to size. Richard Armitage, a former secretary of state, advised: "If the most dominant military force in the region the Israel Defence Forces can't pacify a country such as Lebanon, with a population of four million, you should think carefully about taking that template to Iran, with strategic depth and population of 70 million … The only thing that the [Israeli] bombing has achieved so far is to unite the population against the Israelis." Logical options There are only two logical options for the Bush administration and Israel. President Bush, who was deluding himself when he thought Hezbollah was defeated, may however feel satisfied if the Lebanese Islamists will stay out of south Lebanon, an unlikely possibility now that their stature has reached sky high in the region. At this stage, the only course for the Bush administration, if it hopes to improve its ruined stature, would be to follow up immediately with convincing Israel to give up the occupied Sheba'a Farms and the exchange of prisoners, the long-delayed issue that had prompted Hezbollah to abduct the two Israeli soldiers in early July. Once the ball starts rolling, US diplomacy should immediately turn its attention to the Arab-Israeli issue whereby Israel would be convinced to give up the Golan Heights as Syria has been demanding in return for a peace treaty with Israel, not unlike those signed by Egypt and Jordan. But more importantly, the Bush administration ought to be more serious and sensible about negotiating a final settlement between the Israelis and the Palestinians. The opportunity could not be better than at present. Israel and hopefully Washington had learned a hard lesson about the futility of military options as a tool for international diplomacy. The first test for the Bush administration may come at the end of this month when the US and its European partners have to deal with Iran's nuclear ambitions. But if they fail, this may regrettably encourage all those who had wild dreams to try again in a few years' time dashing all hopes for peace in the region. George Hishmeh is a Washington-based columnist. He can be contacted at | ||
CNN's new show terror 2.0--again a whole bunch of 'cracker' experts who have a special insightr to the mind of alleged terroists, who would not really know a terrorist even if they walked up and bit them in them ass. And another prized individual, a reformed jihadist who main concern is to hahawk his new book--my question is, can his insight be trusted? Is it accurate or bullshit to sell books? Or is he just telling people what they want to hear to sell copies?
The accused killer of a 6 yr old boards palane in Bagkok for LA!! Yawner!!!!
CNN's AC360 will air a show all about polygamy--My thought is if you cannot keep one woman happy, why in hell do you want more?
And CNN is still airing the 100 time of the story on the explosion of TWA 800.
Everyone involved in the JonBonnet case will write a book, from father to garbage man that picks up the Ramsey trash--so please move on to REAL fuckin' news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CNN is interviewing everyone who ever drove past the Ramsey House. Please let the little girl die!!
Hour after hour of the same shit and more shit.
CNN--the 24 hr news network that runs reruns daily, so I guess the news is actually happening in 18 hr cycles and the rest of the time the world hiberates.
So 24 hr News network, but not in a row!!!!!!!!
News like people being evictated in the Sudan and houses being bull dozed and In the Congo, a tv station, CCTV, has told viewers to take revenge on white people and forgeiners--but none of this has made the cut as NEWS
SORRY, I can stand only so much of the reoports of a 10 yr murder case--THIS IS A LIMP DICK STORY!!!!!!!!!!!
WHAT A CONCEPT--A credit card that pays you 1% to spend money. A fucking gimmick that gets',m hook everytime.
I ACTUALLY WATCHED VH1'S "I LOVE THE 70'S" and two idiots were talking about Jethro Tull--and I realized that if yopu are a 20-something and have an IQ equal to your shoe size you will not get what TULL is about. It can be explained another way--YOU ARE A FUCKING MORON!!!!!!!!!
19 August 2006
As I said yesterday--the US has spent half a trillion dollars on the War on Drugs and what has the money help accomplish? Drugs are still everywhere and easily excessible, so what has the money done? Made buying drugs easier???????In economic terms--supply is up--price is down..
UK's Prescott sasys Bush's ME policy is "CRAP" (a direct quote). I am sure that Blair, Bushy's butt boy, will take Prescott aside and whack his pee pee.
Dammit!!!!!!!!!!!!!CNN keeps fanning the flames of fear--A new shiow "Terrorism 2.0" and then there is "Inside Hezbollah" and "In The Footsteps of Bin-Laden" all these with a good helping of fear built in. Enter the Boogey Man!!!!! The 5 yr anniversary of 9/11 is approaching so we must whip the veiwing public into freny so that we can by pass all the crap that is turning the rest of the world into do-do.
Head way is being made in sub-ASahara Africa in the war on AIDS--a milestone--1 million people have been treated with a anti-retroviral treatment This is a good start to control the disease , but the biggest story were an interview with Bon Jovi and the rehash of the death of 6 yr old 10 yrs ago and that someone found A screwdriver on a plane, the tool not the drink!
The death of any 6 yr old is a tragedy, but apparently the death of a rich 6 yr old is more newsworthy than the saving of lives, especially if they havre dark skin, sarcasm intended.
Now CNN is talking to anyone who knew the 6 yr old or even drove past the house in the past. GIVE MME STRENGTH!!!!!!!
NEWS FLASH**********************
A Federal judge rules that the warrantless wiretapping is unconstitutional!!!!!!!!WELL KISS MY ASS!!!!!!! Finally someone who will take a stance against Bushy boys. The judge stated that in her opinion it violates the rights of speech and privacy. Of course this will be challenged by the Admin, because the judge has ordered an immediate end to the program.
THE OOPS FACTOR***************
Us planes bomb Afghan police an d kill 10. Nice job guys, that is how you make friends in the Bush world.
More shit about the 6 yr old death; more preople who want to talk on CNN; more .............
What is it about this child that makes it worth 12 hrs of coverage; the guy confessed, he is being extridited, good police work--let it fucking go and let this poor child DIE!!!!!!!!!
***PERSONAL OPINION************
CNN's new talk guy, Glen Beck, says. "We are on the eve of WWIII" Radio soothsayer is born--YAWN.
A report on the ME--the report states that the ceasefire is holding but fragile and that tensions are high..... (report cut short for info onMel Gibson DUI case. Sorry, the fucker will be finbe he has ,money than Jesus.
American viewers are so goddamn shallow that they had rather watch reports on gossip than to know what is really going on in the world. IT IS TO THE POINT THAT I AM ASHAMED OF BEING AN AMERICAN............
Coast Guard captures Mexican Drug Lord off the coast of Baja--DEA pats itself saying that the cartel has been seriously damaged--Sorry whitewalls--but it will bounce back with a vengence--and this is what we get for the half a trillion dollars spent on the War on Drugs????
3400 Iraqis died in July of 06.......Never fear we brought them democracy!!!!!!!!
17 August 2006
NOTEBOOK 8/16/06
The ceasefire is still holding--it is fragile but holding. As long as the ceasefire is holding news media has to have a story--and it is TERRORISM! The media is parading every cracker expert on Islam and terror before thee cameras. My fav is ythe ones that tell me what drives the suicide bomber--some rich guy from the Rand Corp is an expert on what drives Muslims to die. DON'T THINK SO, TIM. The experts they present aare the ones that will reinforce the mindset of US viewers. Still have not seen an Arab expert yet!
You have to laugh at politicians, Bush, et al, they watch CNN then play off the news just to make the American people think they give a shit about them. The sad is the people fall for it.
Sen Allen-R-Va shows what the Repubs are all about; I am speaking of his racial slur towards an Indian-American in his audience. Of course, he did not mean them to be offensive, that is why he referred to the man as a MAKAK, a racial slur directed toward people of North African descent.
CNN's boy, Glen Beck, says,, "I am not crazy." That is true--he is really just ignorant and boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Israel is still fucking up Gaza--Why? Well Hamas kidnapped an Israeli soldier and Israel kidnapped several Palestinian parlementarians. I would say that all is pretty equal so now let's talk about the cessation of hostiliies and the killing of civiliamns. Speak up America, it is time to call for the ceasefire in all these conflicts. NOW!!!!!!!
OH GOD--EVEN MORE RREPORTS ON TERRORISM.. When is enough 'fear'? Or does the American people need reminding daily that the chance is out there? I call this the CNN FEAR FACTOR SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16 August 2006
Big story--CNN reports that Homeland Security is wasting your money--LOLOLOLOLOLOL--No Kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!
THe hysteria is being spread like peanut butter--CNN is doing its part by airing reports on porous borders, easy targets, etc.
Israel is using cluster bombs made in the US--so to condemn Hezbollah for using rockets made in Iran (?) is hypocritical (go figure). It seems that Hezbollah was putting nails, metal, glass, etc inside the rockets which on impact did a lot of damage--the cluster bombs do their damge after impact and are usually on delay. So, again, which one is more diabolical than the other???????
CEASEFIRE IN EFFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Expert after expert is being parADED ACROSS THE MEDIA ANALYZING EVERY ASPECT OF THE CEASEFIRE, BUT SO there has bee NO Arab experts, as usual we are treated to what Israelis and the US say is what is happening.
This whole shooting thing started over the kidnapping of 3 soldiers--Israel destroyed a country over 3 men--if that mindset holds should not the UN retaliate for the deaths of the observers? According to Israel any minor digression, and yes 3 people is a minor digression, warrants the death of many and destruction of everything. These soldiers were in uniform, the duty is hazardous at best--that uis why it is called hazardous duty and not a day at the beach.
Israel should be penalized, how? not my call! But some penalty for the destruction it wrought is in order.
I still would like to know why there were not more Arab analyst during the shooting? If I know some then should not CNN know them also??
I want to be fair so that my detractors will not have any ammo--the UN reported 8/11 thast the UN position in Naqoura was hit by a katushya and a peacekeeper was wounded. They also reoported that a UN demining team came under fire from Hezbollah--no one was hurt.
RUMSFEILD IS AN ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Early hrs, my time, CNN shows CNN Presents and Larry King back to back to ......6 fucking hrs of bullshit. I guess nothing is happening in ME right now that warrants live coverage.
OH BOY get ready for WTC, the movie and WTC, the disaster and WTC..........we are coming up on the 5th anniversary and the endless diatribes and constant reminders.
Back in the day, the US presented its case against Iraq to the UN, then decided it did not need UN approval and invaded Iraq. But with Lebanon and Gaza US went thru painstaking negotiations because it must be a diplomatic effort. BULLSHIT! The US dragged its feet to give Israel all the time they needed to inflict damage on Lebanon and Gaza.
The UN is used by the US when it is serves their purp[ose not because it is the proper course of actioon.
SORRY Miami--Castro lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!Damn the luck now you Batista-esque pricks will ahve to wait a little longer to return and rape Cuba.
When N. Korea was the big news, CNN ran the documaentry smuggled out on the conditions inside the country. Then Lebanon and Gaza and they run docs about Hebollah and Bin laden
Basically, what they are doing is forming the opinion of the American viewer, so that it is the same as the govt mindset. Nice job!!!!!!!!!!
Israeli parlimrent has ok'd the ceasefire to go into effect at 0800 hrs Lebanon time. We Will See.
The next question is, how much more damage will Israel try to inflict on Lebanon before the ceaasefire?
Some dipshit from the New Yorker was on CNN and talked about the ME, he said that Israel was doing possible to protect civilians--about 800 dead that works out to be about 24 a day--if that is protecting--I will take vanilla.
The US is pushing democracy, all over the world--but not everyone wants democracy. So, if the US forces democracy on the people like in Iraq, then where is the democracy?????????
14 August 2006
13 August 2006
Cannot get much info on the ME today from BBC--they are busy patting themselves on the back for the foiled terror plot. FOX and CNN are pret6ty much thge same.
By the way peeps--this liquid explosive technology was know about as far back as 1994. Then why was it allegedly almost used successfully? It is knda like the sky marshall program--back in the 70's the program was started but all the wisdom of past prezs cut the program--if they had kept their eye on events and kept the program it might have been foiled--so in essences, the US government is responsible the the success of 9/11.
Sorry guys, but you cannot win a war on terrorism with your head up your ass.
UN Resolution 1701 seems to be progressing nicely and why could it not have been done 3 weeks earlier??//Good question!!!
CNN reports that Hezbollah has shot down an Israeli chopper in S. Lebanon. Confirmed 5 died.
On FOX an 'expert' was asked if Hezbollah and Al-Qaeda would ever link up.He answered that since they both hate the US--it would be possible. I do not think so, Tim.
The newest "foiled" terror plot came just before the Congress was going to take up the subject of funding for various parts of the "War on Terrorism"--an interesting little twist when you consider that the talk was the cutting of millions from the program. tee hee
A whikle back an "expert" pointed out that Israel was destroying bridges and roads but in a way that they could be repaired quickly.
Casualities to date--Lebanon 8oo dead and counting
Israel 136--96 soldiers 40 civilians
Hezbollah is still killing more soldiers than civilians--And Israel????
AN Israeli spokesman was speaking about the missiles in N. Israel, some 3500, and the people having to live in bomb shelters. At least they have bomb shelters. Each missile has killed abouut 0.04 people. Could it be the mental anguish? Sure as fuck ain't the accuracy!!!
12 August 2006
OH SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Paris Hilton is a wealthy spoiled brat, porno star, tv star, and now shw wants a musical carrer. Must be nice to be rich and bored. see what you can accopmplish when daddy shove amillion dollars up your ass and tells you go play in traffic.
What happened overnite in Lebanon? Gaza? How many morre Died?
News Flash--UN chief of rights has called for an investigation innto Israel's attacks on civilians--why is this not reported on the popular media????
Is there anyone who does not know about the foiled plot by now? And the new restrictions on carry on baggage?
Olmert gives ok fore ground assault into Lebanon, "because the required progress has not been made". Who is calling the shots??
Israel is blocking aid shipments into S. Lebanon--yeah let starve maybe they will not support Hezbollah once3 they are died.
*********ANOTHER PRO-ISREAL STORY*********
CNN reports that a rocket landed in N. Israel and kills a mom and her kid. Israel airstrike kills 11 (no mention of anything personal about them). Balanced I think not!!!!!!!!!
On CNN, an arab Israeli member of parliment says that Israeli military installations are located near Arab towns in Israel. So could it possibly be that Hezbollah is sending rockets towards these inastallations and they hit civilians by mistake??? THe guidance on the rockets is not very gaccurate and if this is true they are targeting military installations and Israel is blowing up everything.
FOX expert says that Israel needs an overwhelming force on the ground in S. Lebanon to be sure the job gets done. It is a guerilla war and they are fighting conventionally; the best they will ever do is a draw.
FOX reported at 1600 cdt that Israel was close to approving the ceasefire.
Israel at dusk strated its push into S. Lebanon and they are pinpointing Hezbollah positions. After 31 days, how many locations can be left?????Or is it just an ordinary land grap until they after to abide by the ceasefire?
An Israel drone attacks a civilian convoy trying to escape the fighting. Peopl4e doing what Israel ordered them to do, just to be targeted by the Israelis. SUCKS DON'T??????????????
11 August 2006
Well shit! A break from the death and destruction in Lebanon/Israel/Gaza; it seems that the UK has spoiled a 9/11-esque plot. BULLY! BULLY! I am sure they are Muslims!
*****PERSONAL THOUGHT***********
As long as we are talking about terror plots, I beleive most of you will remember 9/11--I mean I could not fucking know, you are forced fed it daily, especially now that we near the 5th anniversary. Sorry, I digress. Ok Americans were appalled thatb someone, those goddamn Muslim terrorist, parker a couple of planes in the WTC, with that killed many, many Americans, THE FUCKING BASTARDS! But yet these same people military adverturism in retaliation for the deaths of so many Americans, yet they stand by idlely while many Americans go hungry, homeless, and lack medical care. WOULD SOMEONE FUCKING EXPLAIN THIS???????
What has happened to rock and roll? The new music is sooooooooo fucking boring! And what is up with Justin Timberlake's spasdic hand?
I am really enjoying the stories of the passewngers at Heathrow who are being inconvienced. I have seen the same fat broad and the ugly man a thousand times. Does this need that much exsposure? You spoiled a plot and arrested many --thank you now can we move on to what is happening elsewhere in the world.
*********CLOSING NOTE************8
Israel is turning Lebanon into the world's largest refugee camp. The only problem Israel will not allow aid to get through. IS THIS NECESSARY??????????
Crampton: Al-Qaeda in Iraq is disrupted and confused after the death of Al-Zarqawi
Joyce Karam (Washington) - Ambassador Henry Crampton, the United States Coordinator for Counter terrorism at the State Department, is hopeful that the killing of Al-Qaeda leader in Iraq, Abu Masaab Al-Zarqawi, will "accelerate" the hunt for other members of the terrorist group. In an interview with "Al-Hayat", Crampton hints at a "major" role for Jordanian intelligence in tracing Al-Zarqawi, and welcomes the option of having Al-Qaeda members in Iraq scattered outside the country.
I wanted to give the whole article instead of a synopsis.
10 August 2006
US wants to be the peace broker in the ME, but it does not enter into negotiation from nuetrality; it aims are to perserve Israel standing and not to worry about the Arabs.
The US has always had a limp dick when tough measres concerning Israrel is involved. A LIMP DICK-----------A PUSSY!!!!!!!!!
Israeli cabinet authorises a wider assault into Lebanon--and who out there was surprised by this vote?
CNN gave the WTC movie 10 minutes of air time and following they gave an Arab commentator 5 mins and he had to fight thru interruptions and stupid leading questions. Arab League Sec. General al-moussa was asked if the resolution goes into effect will there be a guarantee of no rockets from Hezbollah. He answered it as he could, but said need to ask Hez. Well the show host asked the same question again and got the same answer, then host said "I guess there is no way to know if there is a guarantee." It was pathetic an out right attempt to goud this man into saying something that could be used against all arabs.
While watching a story on CNN about violence in Iraq, I noticed that the Gen being interviewed had on the new uniform. It would seem that high ranking officers want to be stylish while the grunts are in old unis and hgaving to buy their own body armor. I guess we would not want the office furniture sneaking up on generals while they sleep at their desk.
VP cheney said last night that a vote against Liebermann was a vote for al-qaeda. Are we that stupid? OH SORRY__YEAH WE ARE!!!!
Their are American citizens fighting for Israel in Lebanon. I think iyt is written somewhere that to fight for a forgein government is a crime--like TREASON.
Some of these have dual citizeship--big fucking deal pick a country and if you are fighting with Israel you have already chosen.
Yet in the invasion of Afghanistan some Americans were fighting with the Taliban, whioch was the legit government at the time, so why are they being held as traitors?
PERSONAL OPINION*************************
Hezbollah has made its point that it can stand up to Israel and Israel has proved its point that it will not take any shit. OK BOYS time to pat each other on the back and get serious about a cessation of hostilities that will be agreeable to ALL sides.
Hezbollah has now gain a lot more respect in the Atrab world, it did what standing armies could do. It is time to take yyour new found respect and become the political player that is sadly needed in the ME.
Israel 97 deaths 34 civilians
Lebanon 715 civilians 27 solidiers
Just as above these figures were as reported on CNN, Israel figures first then Lebanon and Gaza seldom gets any play.
Israel PM Olmert talks like he has no idea what is in the UN resolution being offered. Should not at least one of the major players in this conflict know what the fuck is going on?
Arab League says--"No Israel pull out--No deal!!!!!!!"
*****personal note*********
I still want to hear from the Arabs themselves, not what CNN says they say. PLEASE LETR THE ARABS HAVE A VOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
US timidly approaches everything about Israel--I say bullshit!!!!!OUR MONEY AND AID IS THEIR ECONOMY! TALK OR SUFFER, BITCH!!!!!
CNN AC360 has said on air that their is an op[en invite for Hezbollah to be interviewed; and they will not as long as reporter is on Israeli soil. Surely, some at CNN has contacts and can gewt to someone who can speak for the Labanese.
SHIT!!!!!!!!More non-Arab experts--WHAT PART OF BEING A W.A.S.P. makes one an Arab expert??????
The new UN resolution seems to be losing its luster. Seems some are not at all sure of it; Arabs not on board, Lebanon not on board. Who is on board, you ask? US and France, you know the two parties that have no stake in the conflict other than massaging Israel scrotum.
OH good another nite of "Inside Hezbollah", does CNN get points for the number of times it can run this fucking story. They just want to be sure that every American that wants to be remindeed of the attack on the Marine barracks has had a chance to see.
09 August 2006
I do not understand why CNN will not give their Arab Affairs person her own show, so that Americans can have some idea of the mindset of the region of the conflict. Ms Nasr and CNN hasve the contactas because they have used them ever so sparingly in the past and when they actually used a source from the region most Americans were either asleep or concerned with the evening family stuff. JUST A THOUGHT!
News sources are focused on Lebanon 24/7 and that is good it allows Israel a free hand in Gaza.
In case you arre interested: In Gaza 190 dead 800 wounded.
I think Israel has peed in their soup, shit in their chili, so on. Hezbollah is having an easy time firing rockets out of S> Lebanon and from the area Israel said was under control. THAT IS A FUCKING OOPS!!!!!
The UN Resolution calls on Hezbollah to scease all attacks on Israel and it calls on Israel to cease all offensive actions. WHAT FUCKING JOKE!!!!!!!!!
That leaves the door wide open for Israel to continue her 'defensive' operations and gives Hezbollah no option but to stop. YOU KNOW HEZBOLLAH IS GOING TO JUMP ON THIS DEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bolton said at a press conference that the US and others must address the root causes of the problems in ME. OK--YOU ARE THE ROOT CAUSE AMERICA!!!!!!!!!
CNN reports that hospitals in Lebanon are running desparately low on fuel for generators and supplies and with Israel killing all the roads they will have to shut down. That should help things get better (sarcasm intended).
Israel again is dropping leaflets in S> Lebanon telling people to get out while they can, then they bomb all roads and bridges and even attack civilian vehicles that are trying to escape. When will the world make Israel STOP!?!
Israel is killing innocents with their racist agenda, and sorry , but it is a RACIST agenda AND A PROBLEM OF THEIR OWN MAKING. Regardless of what the experts say, especially that asshole NetanyAHOO.COM (?)
*****a question************
Why when it is daylight in ME CNN is running a rerun of Larry King talking to some no talent bimbo? Why are the reports coming at later times? I think it is give the network time to edit anything coming in to be sure that Israel is in good light.
I want the news as it happens, not when King finishes schmoozing with his guests. I love the slogan CNN "All the news you can use" yeah 6 to 8 hours later.
CNN International seems to be more balanced and accurate.
Someone explasin to me please, if Israel is doing so well and breaking the back of Hezbollah, how come more and more rockets are hitting Israel?
The UN thing is giving Israel a free hand in Lebanon. This is why the US should be allowed to get involved because they are biased in the dealings and will not be the negotiator in good faith.
The Arab League is not happy with the UN Resolutuion that the US and France came up with in the early am hours. I still ask, why we the governments of the region not involved? I HAVE NEVER GOT A GOOD LOGICAL ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION.
Prez Bush has signed off on the resolution--really? He gave his ok to something that favored Israel? Damn what is happening in the world??
CNN jim Clancy reports that the support for Hezbollah is growing daily. NOw I think I was told that Israel was breaking the back of Hezbollah.
The statements about Lebanon made by the Israeli 'experts', is getting a bit lame; Israel keeps parading its experts to tell all about the ineffectiveness of the Lebanese government--Let me point out to ISRAEL just in case you morons missed it--YOU HAVE DESTROYED MOST OF THE COUNTRY AND YOU HAVE GIVEN HEZBOLLAH A SHOT IN THE ARM WITH MORE SUPPORT. YOU PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!
CNN finally had another Lebanese polical analyst on a female named Amal Ghorayeb.
And a Lebanese Broadcast Co. Sr. War Correspondent--Tania Mehanna
At least this day we had some actual Lebanese telling the world the mind set of the region.
News Flash--Israeli airstrike close to Syrian border kills Syrian agricukltural workers in Lebanon. Just what Israel would like, Syria to overact and join the malee, then we are subjected to the whining always being pick on. YAWN
The mmore the US stands with Israel, the big the hole becomes that we are digging--If unresolved this will eventually effect Iraq and the possibility that the Shi'as will join the fite.
There is an old saying--when the hole becomes too deep --stop digging, moron!!!!!!!!!
I also want to know why is there not more actual reporting from Lebanon during daylight hours? I have been observation this crisis fro the beginning and it always seems that the live reporting is mostly at night in Lebanon, with a few shots thrown in for daylight; our media seems to replay a lot of the coverage pro-Israel coverage or some mindless bullshit about Madonna or Paris baby or whatever. WHY????
PLEASE stop rerunning the barracks piece, I do believe you have sufficiently jaded American opinion well enough. Why not educate the people on the origins of Israel when Jewish terrorists were killing verybody they could with bombs, assassination, you know the stuff we as Americans do not cotton to. OH SORRY, ok if Israel does, huh? YOU PEOPLE ARE ASSHOLES!!!!!!!!! And to , for CNN, this type of reporting is apparently against company policy, at is to be fair and balanced--GOD FORBID you assholes tell the truth once in awhile.
On CNN, IDF says they have killed about 300 Hezbollah fighters and are gaining the upper hand in S. Lebanon. REALLY? If so, why are so many rockets hitting N. Israel?? IDF says they come out fire their rockets and blend into population. If so, how can they be sure that the 300+ are really fighters and not innocent civilians?
CNN reportsd that IDF intel is pinpointing Hezbollah positions to be taken out. Aain, REALLY? If the intel is that damn good why do they still have no idea where their soldiers are? Or maybe they do, but want to keep punishing Lebanon.
CNN--Today Sidon in S,. Lebanon got leaflets telling the people to leave. And how do you leave when these dick brains have destroyed all roads, bridges and other avenues of escape? But CNN seems to relish the idea that the IDF is giving a warning.
******PERSONAL NOTE********
Today is saturday, 8/5/96 at 1630 cdt--CNN is up and running some show called "Open House". People are dying, families destroyed, hospitals overflow and you run a fucking real estate show for mindless. YThis is why I am glad I have XM Radio--I can listen to BBC Interbational--fairly accurate and balanced--nnot completely but a goddamn pretty reporting than CNN.
******NEWS FLASH*********
US and France agree on a UN Resolution on the crisis in ME. (I stare dazedly at the TV) HUH?
Should not the people involved in the shooting and killing be part of this negotiation? Let me see if I get this right--US and France-friends of Israel-have put together a resolution for the cessation of hostilities in the ME? Who then speaks for Lebanon, Palestine? Who gave them the authority to speak for all involved? THIS IS FUCKED UP!!!!!!!!!
****pewrsonal note*******
CNN has been using the mosdt irritating term for the past 2 weeks--"boots on the ground"--meaning troops in S. Lebanon. I presume that this will become a new catch phrase, of well IT IS FUCKING IRRITATING!!!!!!!!!!!
08 August 2006
CNN Situation Room with Blitzer had a Lebanese political analyst on, Rulah Talj. FINAALY!!!
The problem was when she was trying to make apoint about Nasrahla; she was interrupted. Very discouraging for I wanted to hear what she said. It seems whn some Israeli mouth piece is on they seldom are interrupted. The lady was giving, what I thought was some useful insight into the Lebanese psyche.
Another story Israel says they are pinpointing Hezbollah targets for their airstrikes--yeah sure that goddamn bridge was a major anti-semite. And don't get me started on that fucking highway.
MY POINT--IT IS BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No one wants to say that Israel is being ineffective in S. Lebanon. ---Rockets still hit Haifa and N. Israel at about a 100+ daily.
HEY ASSHOLES--Why not try the offer made by Hezbollah????????
***PERSONAL THOUGHT***********
CNN has an Arab Affairs person--Octavia Nasr--why is she not used more? Or why not use Yacoubian or Talj or el-hage; these all people who have been given and chance to talk but not given a chance to inform. Why are not more Lebanese journalist used in the coverage??
Apparently CNN, et al are so afraid that these people would disturb the order of things, in the case of reporting. I for one am tired of the so-called analysts that CNN parades around; they are slow and weak.
OH look--Netanyahu is on again, for the ump-teenth time--this racist little prick is not worth the effort to listen to, but yetg he seems to have free rein. Balanaced reporting?? A fucking joke!!!!!!!!
CNN has lots of experts, ret. generals, ret. PM's, ret doughboys, but all the so-called experts have the same opinion--WHAT IS CNN AFRAID OF? WHAT COULD THE LEBANESE EXPERTS SAY THAT WOULD SCARE THEM SO BAD? I am guessing, they would tell thew TRUTH!!!!!!!!!
CNN has reported that 400 leftist and activists from around the world have sent an open letter to Bushy boy asking him to not interfer in Cuban politics while Castro is recouping the hospital.
That is all that was said and no comment was made of what he (Bush) said or thought. Thought????A concept alien to the Bush admin.
I am getting close to being caught up to the present and then I will attempt to post in real time. I hope this blog is a bit informative and illustrates that their are two sides of the crisis--not the one side that the media would like for you to see.
Any thoughts or comments?
AS OF 8/4/06
The IDf is destroying all the highways out of Beirut and I might add doing a fine job with those American made bombs. QUESTION---WHAT ABOUT THE CIVILIANS???????????
Israel as reported on CNN, has struck into the Christian sector of Beirut--forgive my ignorance, but weren't the christians friends of Israel in the last shooting sprees in say '82?????
This could prove to be a major coup for Hezbollah--gaining more suppoters the lionger Israel destroys the stronger they get. NOT EXACT A WINNING COMBINATION FOR ISRAEL.
Again spokesman makes certain that audience knows that the missiles that are hitting N. Israel are from Syria--No one has mnentioned that the Bombs being used on Hezbollah and civilians come from the US. FORGIVE MY IGNORANCE, BUT WHERE IS THE DIFFERENCE???????
A BIG NEWS FLASH***************
Nasrallah of Hezbollah has offered to stop firing missiles into Israel if they will stop bombing Lebanon.
Israel's reply--NO!!!!!! They say they cannot trust Hez. to keep their promise. UH_HUH and what would be lost if tried??? Israel's bombs will not go bad if not used immediately and I do believe they are capable of starting the palnes agasin.
WHAT COULD YOU POSSIBLY LOSE?????????????????????????
On CNN Israel's ambassador said that if Hezbollah made good on its threat to hit Tel Aviv, the Israel would be forced to destroy the Lebanese infrastructure. HUH???????????
My question is, WHAT THE FUCK IS LEFT TO DESTROY?????????
Fairly slow note day--I must be suffering from MENTAL PAUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07 August 2006
It seems that Castro has entered the hospital for intestinal surgery. News show all in Maimi celebrating the fact that he could die. Bushy boy goes on TV and says that the US is prepared to assist Cuba in a transition to democracy. This was a ploy to see if the Cuban people would take up arms and fight for the right to have democracy. DIDN'T HAPPEN!!!
All the Cubans celebrating about Fidel and I ask myself how many will go back to live??????? Answer not too fucking many, they have it made here..And the ones that do want to go back are those Batista cronies that want to return to the raping of the people of Cuba.
Cuban-Americaqns should ask themselves, once Fidel is gone and America's interests return to Cuba will the ones in Maimi be as influential? NO you will be forgotten just like all others in this country.
Notes from 8/1/06
I think a new International Brigade should be started these would go into troubled areas and deliver food and aid, assist in rebuilding, and similar chores. NO government money so their can be NO use as a PR tool; just people wanting to help people in need.
CNN has reported that the IDF has stormed a hospital in Lebanon. They made sure to point out that it was funded by Iran. What difference does it make???????? TheIDF went thru the hospital cheking ids looking for Hezbollah agents. WHAT??????!!!!!!!???????DID I MISS SOMETHING????????
Today Bushy boy stated that Iran and Syria must stop supporting Hezbollah, you know sending aid like ordinance and training and stuff---come on you know the same stuff we do for Israel. ***THIS SHIT SOUNDS LIKE THE SHIT DURING THE COLD WAR**
Bushy also said that the US was moving fast now to get a sustainable ceasefire and peace****Right asshole you have given Israel 19 days to kill as many people as it could and to destroy as much of Lebanon as it could and now world opinion is biting at your ass**** GOOD CALL DICK BRAIN!
In Qana, Lebanon, Israelis bombed a shelter with mostly women and children-exact number not known right now--more than 50 one source says.
When asked about this Israeli spokesman Dalal said that all facts not known but Israel was only going after Hezbollah positions and that an investigation was ordered into this action (because it will appease voices in the US and squash any criticism). IDF spokesman Dalal says that their was a film taken by a drone of missiles being fired, but so far the film has not been shown. Again Dalal blames Hezbollah, Israel only protecting self and was not aware of the civilians using the site as a shelter. He then goes immediately back to blaming Hezbollah for the caopture of soldiers.
Israel has been dropping leaflets in S. Lebanon telling civilians to leave, but without gas or a road or transportation and the faxct that airstrikes have pretty much eliminated all avenues of escape, what are the Lebanese to do?
CNN reports a news bite that Israeli airstrikes have hit a hospital in Bint Jbeil.
Finally, on CNN Reliable Sources, the guest talked about the unbalanced reporting by all media in the US, CNN, FOX, ABC, etc. The guest went so far as to say that reporters like Wolf Blitzere appear to be pro-Israeli. FINALLY SOMEONE HEARD ME!!!!!!
Blitzer's Situation Room lead story was that 134 missiles fell on Haifa and N. Israel the next story was the attack at Qana. And while reporting on Qana he said dozens die, when the number by other journalists is 54. He spoke to IDF on air and asked if leaflets were dropped. He never asked the IDF how Lebanese wer suppose to leave with no gas, no road, no car.
CNN has started shown a CNN Presents about the 1982 Marine Barracks bombing in Beirut. This is a definate attempt to sway viewers, for the show starts off with the mangled mess and bodies and then proceeds to tell the story of how and why.
********PERSONAL NOTE*****************
In case anyone is interested--in 1996, when Israel was fighting Hezbollah in S. Lebanon, it attacked a town called Qana and killed 100 civilians--sound familiar????????????
UN Ambassador Bolton stated at a press conference that a ceasfire will not be a lasting solution.***maybe not but at least it is a start and why not give it a try and maybe a few civilians on either side might see another birthday?****
CNN is spending a bit of time telling viewers all about Katushya rockets, how they are armed and how they work--------------why does not someone tell all about the American bombs being used and killing innocents as well???????
Busy day today and oh yeah---IRAQ vice president accuses Israel of murder with the Qana attack!!!!!!!
Israel rejects a 3 day proposed ceasefire to allow humanitarian efforts to alleviate some of the problems facing the Lebanese people.
*********PERSONAL OBSERVATION*************
So far Netnayahu has had at least 3 interviews on CNN. (Is, jis baby?) And Israeli general Yodi has had at least 4 and so far not too many arab analysts or journalists. Balanced reporting..........I think not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CNN goes to a market in Tel Aviv to ask the probing question of thoughts on war--and I will bet you can not guess the response...........................war is good for Israel/death to Hezbollah/etc etc etc etc. Did you guess right?
2 UN observers wounded in an Israreli airstrike in S. Lebanon--I THOUGHT HEZBOLLAH WAS THE BAD GUY, BUT APPARENTLY THE UN IS ON THE LIST TOO.
Well not much in my notebook for today, must be a reboot!!!!!!!!!
The President at a press conference said that all involved want to get to the root of the problem in the ME.. And that would be Israel and the US--I'm thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Israel continuing destruction of Gaza and Israel is doing two things--ruining peoples lives and killing whatever democracy was starting in Lebanon and Gaza. Have I missed a point here???????
CNN interviewed a 19 yr old student from Rmeish who drovew her family to Beirut. Her name is Karla el-hage. She described what she saw on her way from the village to Beirut. She was very articulate and should be used more she has a good TV presence which is more preferrable than, say, ME.
7/27/06 and counting
Today FOX news rep[orted that the anti-war demostrations are leading to the rise in anti-semitism in the US. A doubtful statement.
***********PERSONAL THOUGHT****************
Israel says main concern is to take out Hezbollah and its ability to strike at Israel. OK sounds good but the technique they using is not hurting Hezbollah so much as most of the Lebanese popuklation. At this point if they are successful at eliminating Hezbollah; they are just creating new forms of militancy, which will eventually come back to bite them in the butt.
The US is strongly blocking any action by the UN Security Council, to address the deaths of the UN observers. US will always protect its bastard child and not allow any movement toward a ceasefire until Israel has had enough carnage to satisfy its appetite for destruction.
Today, Israel claims it is inflicting heavy losses on Hezbollah, but yet they manage to fire 100+ rockets into Israel. Explanation needed, but not forthcoming.
The UN Security Council finally issued a statement on the deaths of the observers and as predicted their is NO CONDEMNATION of Israel for the deaths of the UN observewrs.
Israeli children's presents to Lebanese and Palestinian children
Lebanese and Palestinian children receive the presents and promise never to forget them |
06 August 2006
Well Rice is at some meeting in Rome and apparently all the world was talking about this conflict thing in Lebanon. Well, she held a press conference and she seemed extremely trense and nervous, wringing hands and all. WASSUP?????
Today was BRAIN FART DAY!!!!!!!!
7/25/07 and thoughts of the day
Good old Lou Dobbs was concerned with the delivery of US supplies that he just breezed over the big story of the death of UN observers. I guess since it is not in his book it does not matter.
I watch Israeli expert after expert paraded forward and all are cocky little fucks, for they know they are protected no matter what threy do; for they can do no wrong.
Iraqi PM, Maliki, blasted Israel on his visit to the US and now all the elite want an apology, like Bayh and Allen, kinda sounds like a burlesque act, they all want his address to congress cancelled, because he will not agree with the Israeli lobby. I personally, hope he tells them to fuck off and does not apologize.
Another great pic that I could not find on line was a Lebanese red cross ambalance with a rocket hole thru the middle of the cross on its roof. GREAT PIC!!!!!!!!!
I am sick of the whining jews and congressmen, blaming everything on everybody but Israel. Yes, some of the shit is Hezbollah's fault but I do not hear them whining on CNN>
I suppose their are no experts on guerilla warfare to be found, only tired old generals from the US past.
Israeli attacks in Gaza have killed 8 more civilians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lebanese red cross vehicles have been attacked by Israel while they were trying to deliver aid. Nice job, Americans should be proud.
Israel attacks a UN observation site killing four UN observers--after 10 or more near misses they finally hit their target. Each miss was radioed to Israeli forces and Lebanese forces, the site was clearly marked with the UN flag. Israel says there will be a investigation. humor in time of war is a good thing.
Israel will get away with it and will not be held accountable.
CNN interviewed an Israeli general who said that they were doing everything posible to protect innocent life. humor is a good thing.
like they protected the van they hit with phosphorous and the UN observation post, and countless other attacks.
Hezbollah took the two soldiers with the hope that Israel would overreact violently. They did. Hezbollah was counting on the US and allies to stand behind Israel. They did. Now because of these actions by Israel and the inaction of the US, it has help create a whole new generation of militants with the guarantee that hostilities will remain for years.
I think Israel also intended to be as violent as possible and with the support of the US it is guaranteed more and more aid; more cash, more ordinance, more everythinhg. ISRAEL DOES NOT WANT PEACE!!!!!!!!! For if peace breaks out their cash cow will dry up; there will gbe no need for the US to keep pumping aid into the country. NO PEACE, A CONTINUATION OF THE DOMINATION OF THE MULTINATIONALS AND THE EXTERMINATION OF THE ARAB RACE.
Personally, if he gets laid more maybe he will mellow out.
Phosporous is a nasty chemical it is horrible to use against combatants, but when you use it against civilian--YOU ARE THE TERROIST--Did you hear me ISRAEL. I was a supporter of a two state solution for the area, but now I have NOTHING for Israel. I want to see the bastard child of the US bitch slapped into oblivion.
Larry King was interviewing a student in Beirut--Faerlie Wilson--about what she was seeing in the city and when she started critizing Israel and the media she was quickly silenced. Balanced reporting????????I think not>>>>>>>>>>
****PERSONAL NOTE*******
The US has tried to isolate Syria by making it part of the 'axis of evil', a lame Bush slogan, but plays well on CNN. But unfortunately for the US, Syria may have the upper hand in the cause of a ceasefire, that being it may have enough influence with Hezbollah to help end the conflict.
How ironic...LOL LOL LOL
7/23/06 notebook entry
Israel took out the media station so that any actual footage of the devastation cannot get out and Israel keeps good PR to the world.
****personal thought*********
it is pathetic that admin is blaming Syria and Iran for everything from bird flu to nukes--so Lebanon just gives them more ammo in the case they are working up for some type of action.
CNN has a story called Inside Hebollah
the hook is the start--all about the bomber that took out all the marines in '82 and blown up apartments in Saudi--from the start rthe viewer is told what a terrible group they are.
(most Americans have the iq of a 13 yr old and an attention span of about 15 min.)
Israel can go about destroying Lebanon and Gaza, but Hez and Hamas are not suppose to defend themselves.
Pretty sad indictment of the US.
CNN interviewed 2 Israeli pilots Capt. Y. and Maj. E.--there faces hidden by their flight helment with visor down. Why were they covering up their identity? Worried about reprisals? I think not. Personally, I think thaqt they were trying to hide the fact that they were either Americans or Brits.
Bad news for Israel, their bulldozer, Sharon and his health have gone south. The news tells of his moves into S. Lebanon in '82, he was the mastermind of their invasion. But somehow CNN left out the part about his part in the massacres at Sabra and Shatila refugee camps. Again it illustrates how one sided reporting is in the US>
But sadly these civilians deaths are the cause of Hezbollah, an IDF spokesman.
AS OF 7/21/06
All fault falls on Hezbolah--all the Lebanese deaths and injuries--Hezbollah with help from Syria and Iran.
A ceasefire can be arranged:
Release. oldiers
A call on Israel to protect Lebanese infrastructure--too fucking late morons.
Humanitaruian aid
Stability and lasting peace
But no talks with Hezbollah because they are the problem.
All this is total bullshit and just illustrates just how deep the bonds arwe btween Israel and the US.
My fav statement was that a ceasefire could hurt a peace. what the fuck??????????????
*****personal observation*************
Israel will probably be immuned from any backlash in the destruction of Lebanon and Gaza. They will be held safe from any reparations and the rest of the world will pay for the rebuilding of Lebanon and Gaza.
note----US aid--$3 billion to Israel//$40 million to Lebanon. IT SHOWS WHERE THE LOYALITIES LIE.
CNN Chris Burns was doing a report about the civil war in S. Lebanon--I believe once Israel crossed the border it became a fucking war and an invasion.
Same reporter was interviewing a Lebanese journalist that works in Wash.--she was in Larnaca, Cyprus waiting for news of her 17 month baby and her mother--when asked about the evac, she said that the embassy was doing all it could and when asked about the situation in Lebanon--she told how bad and was critizing CNN and others for their one sided reporting. She was immediately cut off and CNN went to another story.
note---Leb Journalist name was Paula Yacoubian--very intelligent and articulate. I would listen to her reports and will try to find where she is reporting.
In Jerusalem--arabs were not allowed to attained afternoon prayers. So much for freedom of religion in Israel. I guess it is only for jews!!!!!!!!!!
PERSONAL OBSERVATION******************
I do not understand why CNN, et al cannot find political analyst from the region to give their perspective, instead they use tired only generals and well paid institute felloows.
Balanced????????? I think not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At present Israel is destroying the only two democracies in the area. They may not like some of the participants but it is a democracy and they were voted into office. So Israel and the US have the only say of who is to play the democracy?
I do not particularly like the people in our so-called democracy, but I have to accept their leadership, even if they are two faced, lying, cock sucking pricks..........So why not force Israel to suffer the same fate as the American people with their leaders.
IT IS 7/18/06
American people need to wake up--your govt does not give a crap about you and yours. Look at Katrina--look at Lebanon. Does it sound like you are important? Really????
What about the fact that evacuees will have to pay to be rescued from the combat zone 9to be fair it was later waived) but the fact that it was even considered sucks hard.
Bush tells Iran notmto destabilize Lebanon!!! What the fuck!?! What is Israel doing?
Israel says that this is not an invasion of Lebanon. Let review--taking out airport--bombing infrastructure like roads bridges, etc.--marine blockade--troops entering S. Lebanon--and a constant artillery barrage.
What part of this is not an invasion????? Please enlighten me.
Personal note****************
When the shooting is over and Lebanon is starting to rebuild, then the 3 billion in aid that goes yearly to Israel should go to Lebanon until the country is rebuilt. Afterall Israel wrought all the destruction, let it pay.
If this were to happen all Israel guns would fall silent--they want or money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Enjoy and if myou have the cajones comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Israeli general when interviewed on CNN said that " Israel cannot live under this umbrella of violence."
What about the violence toward Palestinians? What about the violence toward Lebanon? Somehow this is ok?
It is being said that Iran is financing and supplying the militants in Lebanon.
You know kinda like the financing and supplying the US does for the militants in Israel.
All this horseshit started because Hezbollah crossed the border killed Israeli sol;diers and captured two. OK I heard this one before--I believe it was in 1939 and it was a German radio station. Ring any bells?
And now--what are the names of the two captured soldiers? I do not believe they have been released for some reason.
Israel is becoming the best recruitment idea for Hezbollah and Hamas--Israel is not gonna come out of this with little damage.***personal observation*******