28 September 2007

UN Climate Change Meeting

HA! HA! HA! What is this all about? All the major polluters will be in this meeting to discuss what needs to be done to help the climate change thing. I will bet that YOU think this is a good thing. NOT!

It is a media coup! It is only being done to try an silence those people who feel that not enough is being done to save the planet. It will play really good around the world, in the media that is, but NOTHING will come of it but an agreement to do their part. All measures will be voluntary and we know how far that goes in the world. We are suppose to believe a country when they say they will do their part when they steadily pollute the rivers of their country, which is their drinking water source. Are you that stupid?

I am sure that some lame amount of years will be offered for progress; kinda like the 5-10 year timetable that is ALWAYS mentioned.

So the truth is, the only thing for certain to come out of this show will be that the environment is still f*cked!

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