25 September 2007

Why Do Democrats Look Impotent?

The question has been asked and if you are trying to assess the situation, your head will implode.

Dems came to power with the understanding they had a mandate from the people to end the war. They had the mandate, but not the votes and guess what? Without the votes the mandate was more worthless than my local newspaper. But during the election cycle the Dems were all over the war and promises were passed out like cigars at a birth, but not once did anyone one of them feel that that should stipulate that ending the war would take plenty of votes.

I remember that the Party patted Rahm Emmanuel on the back for his work getting Dems elected to the point that they controlled both Houses. I think it was more that it was inevitable for change and not some genius at work. If this was such a genius how come no one has any idea how to counter the Bush and Repubs on the war position?

So the question is, why are they looking so impotent? No cajones! They are so afraid that if they attack and it fails it will jeopardize the next election. But what about the genius that got them elected last time? NO GENIUS! It was only inevitability that got them elected.

Now ask, what will the next Congress do? What will the next president do? What promises are being made that will not be kept?

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