17 September 2007

A Reflection

For years I have been a Left activist and in that time I have watched just about every Left leaning organization self-destruct. From outside antagonisms and internal bullsh*t to just stupid positions. I was very active in the 70's, 80's and early 90's, but I saw it as a useless endeavor because no one seemed to be serious about change. well, change within the organization, but nothing about society as a whole. I tried this party, this organization, so on......and each time it came down to some juvenile crap about who did what to whom and he said, she said, I had no time for such petty bullsh*t. So I decide to bow out of the Left's trek for a better society. I was in the IWW and my attempts to unionize a company cost 14 people their jobs. That also was devastating to me and was another reason I wanted to take some time out.

After of years of trying to avoid anything political, I could not stand it any more and returned to the struggle. I joined a small Leftist organization with the hopes and dreams that they were serious about working for change, after about a year and half, the crap started with the organization. This group wants power, this group has power and they butt heads on this way of doing something or that way of talking or........IT IS BULLSHIT!

I am still part of this organization and they are trying to get the sh*t under control. I will give them the benefit of the doubt and will wait and see what is actually accomplished before I make my decsion to move on or not. To say that I am disappointed would be an understatement.

I was hoping that the Left had learned its lesson in the last hundred years of the same petty bullsh*t; I was WRONG! The "real" Left will NEVER be a force in American society or politics. How can they convince the people that they have a better way when they cannot agree on what word to use. They are all SILLY and PATHETIC! There are times when I am embarrassed at being part of the juvenile bullsh*t.

Will there ever be a time when the Left has its act together so that the peoplke can have a stable alternative to the crappy life capitalism has given them? Not as long as personalities dominate!

So it is written, so it is!

17 Sept 2007

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