15 September 2007

Blue Collar Intellectual

A title that was given to me by the National Secretary of the Socialist Party-USA, after I was invited to give a paper to the Marxist Scholars Conference in Louisville back in the late 80's. The paper was titled, "the Shortcomings in The Theory Of Nonviolence".

That title along with the title of agitator were I must coveted titles. I was proud of the titles and still am, but they are not much help when trying to educate the people. Most times I am perceived as a contrarian, someone who just wants to be negative. OK, but what is there to be positive about? My concerns are always for the majority of the people; I could care less about individual bullshit. If a society cannot concern itself with the betterment of the people as a whole, then that society needs to be replace and replaced as quickly as possible.


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