30 September 2007
A New Congressional Battle Looms
Am I the only person that sees a bit of bullsh*t being spread? Are the American so AFRAID of the word "socialized" that they would allow the government to turn its back on millions of children? Marketing, is the answer you are looking for. Just like the WOT the government is selling FEAR! And guess what? The people will fall for it hook, line and f*cking sinker!
I am embarrassed that my country and its people are that lazy, stupid, indifferent, and about thousand other derogatory adjectives. They are so AFRAID of their own shadow that they allow the mistreatment of American citizens in the name of patriotism. THAT IS JUST F*CKING SICK! They are DISGUSTING!
Yeah! I said it---I meant it--now BITE ME!
29 September 2007
What Color Is Revolution?
So I ask again what color is revolution? Or yet why a color at all? What part of the violence that accompanies these "revolutions" lends it to a color other than red? You know the same color as the blood that is almost always spilled.
Maybe it is make it seem a bit more appealing, if it has one of these shades of color. You know kinda like the switch from jungle to rain forest, it made the jungle more palatable to people. I mean not many people would help save a place like a jungle with all the animal violence and such, but a serene rain forest they will save. People, they are the same thing!
Adding a color to the violence of a revolution is making it more palatable to the people that are listening or reading or whatever they are doing to get any news. I do not want it sugar coated for me. Call it what it is--people killing people in the name of politics. Stop trying to take realism and turn it into some kid's story book. The only color of a revolution, any revolution, is red--THE COLOR OF BLOOD!
28 September 2007
UN Climate Change Meeting
It is a media coup! It is only being done to try an silence those people who feel that not enough is being done to save the planet. It will play really good around the world, in the media that is, but NOTHING will come of it but an agreement to do their part. All measures will be voluntary and we know how far that goes in the world. We are suppose to believe a country when they say they will do their part when they steadily pollute the rivers of their country, which is their drinking water source. Are you that stupid?
I am sure that some lame amount of years will be offered for progress; kinda like the 5-10 year timetable that is ALWAYS mentioned.
So the truth is, the only thing for certain to come out of this show will be that the environment is still f*cked!
27 September 2007
UAW Strike Update
The Union agreed to : employees will not get pay raises but rather lump sum bonuses at year's end. New GM employees will come to work with a big cut in starting pay.
GM agrees to possibly keep jobs in the US.
There is the major points of the deal. Now I ask where in this settlement did the members and employees win? This is why the Unions are failing. They are not working in the interest of the worker, it is always about economics, never about the worker and his needs. The only concession they got from the automaker was a transfer of funds and a promise to "maybe" protect American jobs.
Now the Union will move on to Chrysler and Ford, will the workers and the Union cave on these negotiations? The worker is not being adequately represented in good faith, only what is good, financially for the Union and its staff of cronies. In short, the worker will ALWAYS lose in these negotiations.
26 September 2007
I realize that most Americans cannot remember past last night's meal but about 15 years ago Caterpillar had a stand-off with the union and it broke the union. Cat stock went from about $5 a share to about $75 a share. Now there is the real reason for this. GM stock has been at about $35 a share forever, they need to break the union's hold. And, boys and girls, that is what is going on in Michigan.
It is not about jobs, health, retirement; it is about the process of breaking the union and making more profits for the share holders. But ask yourself, where would GM be today without the workers they are trying so hard to screw over? This is an important situation, if the unuion is broken then jobs will leave for sure and the workers will be left on the curb like some well used hooker.
Wake up! this will effect the entire country and especially the workers who by the way, create ALL WEALTH!
26 Sept 2007
25 September 2007
Why Do Democrats Look Impotent?
Dems came to power with the understanding they had a mandate from the people to end the war. They had the mandate, but not the votes and guess what? Without the votes the mandate was more worthless than my local newspaper. But during the election cycle the Dems were all over the war and promises were passed out like cigars at a birth, but not once did anyone one of them feel that that should stipulate that ending the war would take plenty of votes.
I remember that the Party patted Rahm Emmanuel on the back for his work getting Dems elected to the point that they controlled both Houses. I think it was more that it was inevitable for change and not some genius at work. If this was such a genius how come no one has any idea how to counter the Bush and Repubs on the war position?
So the question is, why are they looking so impotent? No cajones! They are so afraid that if they attack and it fails it will jeopardize the next election. But what about the genius that got them elected last time? NO GENIUS! It was only inevitability that got them elected.
Now ask, what will the next Congress do? What will the next president do? What promises are being made that will not be kept?
24 September 2007
Iranian President To NYC
Move on! Iranian Pres to address UN and Columbia University. OK, there is a wealth of BS that surrounds this, but why? Well to begin with the media has made goddamn sure that it keeps reporting that Iran is killing Americans, Iran wants Israel destroyed and that the Holocaust never happened. Is that about the total of it?
Now butt brains ask yourself these questions:
Who actually controls al-Quds?
How many wars has Iran actually started?
Does Iran want a war with the US?
Who would benefit from any war with Iran?
OK, weapons are killing Americans, so were weapons from USSR and China in Vietnam, but we still talked with them.
As far as I know Iran has never started a war, it has fought wars but never started them.
Iran would have nothing to gain from a war with the US, so NO, they do not want a war.
Al-Qaeda would be the biggest winner in the war if Iran and US fight. Osama's prediction that the US was out to kill all Muslims would hold some validity across the world if the US invades Iran.
Everything that the American people know of Iran and its president has been orchestrated to achieve the exact response that it producing at this time. I am not saying that the Iranian president is being misrepresented, but more that the desires of the country are. After all he is just the mouth piece of the religious leaders, he does what they tell him to do American attempts to demonize the Iranian president in the eyes of the American people, have helped make him more popular at home.
The Americans people need to demand more diplomacy to tried and lay off the gunfighter mentality, it is moving this country toward a societal implosion.
Professor, the Oracle Of Inkwell, has spoken, so be it.
23 September 2007
The Sad Story Of Voting
People! Stop listening to the media! They too are part of the process that tells you who to vote for, who is the best, who is the leader, etc. They are telling you who THEY want to be the candidates. So you want examples, OK! Clinton, she is a big money candidate and the media is basing her electability by money. With the Dems, Kucinich seems to be offering mthe people sustantial policies, that takes many of their concerns to heart. But the media has deemed him 2nd tier and his message does not get out as it should. IMO, he is still part of the system that needs repair, but at least there arre parts that I can support.
With both parties the top tier candidates are just offering bovine fecal matter, that with a little luck may trickle down to the people, but the major concern is to keep the wealthy, just that wealthy. Hopefully, you realize that trickle down economics, did not trickle down and any other attempt to trickle anything down to the workers will be just as ineffective.
People! People! Stop listening to the media and Madison Ave., research the candidates and choose the person who will best serve the people of this country, not the special interests.
I regret that this appeal to the people will most likely fall on deaf ears, for minds are already made up on who to vote for--How sad!
22 September 2007
There Is A New Law For Air Passengers
Let me see, the consumer can be treated anyway they see, at least in the past and now the federal government had to get involved to make them do what is right. I still cannot imagine why no one sees this as the bad thing that I do.
So it is perfectly OK that the airlines, while making profits off the consumer has no obligation to treat them humanely? Jesus Christ! Are you people idiots?
Typical American attitude--accept the crap corporations throw at you. Apparently YOU deserve the shitty treatment! The silence of the lambs--how accurate is that?
BE WELL! Peace and I be out!
20 September 2007
Democrats Last Chance
This may well have been the last opportunity that the Dems will have before the election. And then they will only be able to pray that they can gain a little more party people in the Congress.
The big story is the defeat of the bill. Why does not someone tell the rest of the story, the troops are the ones that will suffer and there is the point that should be attacked by the Dems. These asses miss opportunity after opportunity to gain public support by not highlighting the lack of concern of the Repubs for the troops. Instead they whine and find excuses for their lack of success. CRAP! Admit that the Repubs beat you at the game and find new ways to attack their positions. The Dems will never get anything accomplished as long as they sit around licking their wounds and whining about the other side.
It will be telling if these losers are serious about their positions, if they let this chance slip through their fingers, then they are in this for the game not what is best for the people.
19 September 2007
Intellectual Problems
When I got my turn I pretty much let them have it. I pointed first in my paper that the theory of non-violence was a pipe dream at best, there was a bunch of disagreement, but I prevailed. And then I got to the intellectual thing. I basically told them that they were delusional, that it anything they said could be used to further Marxist ideology. I closed with my standard, if Marxism is every gonna work it will take the working class to make it happen and these people are only talking to each other and trying to impress each other, that they were nothing more than pompous asses. Most were extremely insulted! One guy from France applauded me and smiled. I left the conference feeling at least a small victory had been won.
To this day, I still have no use for people in the movement that chose words and speech that confuses and intimidates the people. The only way to get the Marxist agenda across to the worker is by talking to him directly and not to try and impress or intimidate him with intellectual bullsh*t.
I have spoken and I wil make it so.
18 September 2007
So basically I am saying either put up or shut up! You want these to change then get off your dead ass, drop the remote and get involved!
17 September 2007
A Critique Of Marxism
by Karl Korsch
1. It no longer makes sense to ask to what extent the teaching of Marx and Engels is, today, theoretically acceptable and practically applicable.
2. Today, all attempts to re-establish the Marxist doctrine as a whole in its original function as a theory of the working classes social revolution are reactionary utopias.
3. Though basically ambiguous, there are, however, important aspects of Marxian teaching which in their changing function and applying to different locations have until today retained their effectiveness. Also, the impetus generated by the praxis of the old Marxist labor movement has been presently incorporated into the practical struggles of peoples -and classes.
4. The first step in re-establishing a revolutionary theory and practice consists in breaking with that Marxism which claims to monopolize revolutionary initiative as well as theoretical and practical direction.
5. Marx is today only one among the numerous precursors, founders and developers of the socialist movement of the working class. No less important are the so-called Utopian Socialists from Thomas More to the present. No less important are the great rivals of Marx, such as Blanqui, and his sworn enemies, such as Proudhon and Bakunin. No less important, in the final result, are the more recent developments such as German revisionism, French syndicalism, and Russian Bolshevism.
6. The following points are particularly critical for Marxism: (a) its dependence on the underdeveloped economic and political conditions in Germany and all the other countries of central and eastern Europe where it was to have political relevance; (b) its unconditional adherence to the political forms of the bourgeois revolution; (c) the unconditional acceptance of the advanced economic conditions of England as a model for the future development of all countries and as objective preconditions for the transition to socialism; to which one should add; (d) the consequences of its repeated desperate and contradictory attempts to break out of these conditions.
7. The results of these conditions are: (a) the overestimation of the state as the decisive instrument of social revolution; (b) the mystical identification of the development of the capitalist economy with the social revolution of the working class; (c) the subsequent ambiguous development of this first form of the Marxian theory of revolution by the artificial grafting onto it of a theory of the communist revolution in two phases; this theory, directed on the one hand against Blanqui, and on the other against Bakunin, whisks away from the present movement the real emancipation of the working class and puts it back into the indefinite future.
8. This is the point for insertion of the Leninist or Bolshevik development; and it is in this new form that Marxism has been transferred to Russia and Asia. Thereby Marxism has been changed; from a revolutionary theory it has become an ideology. This ideology could be and has been used for a variety of different goals.
9. It is from this viewpoint that one comes to judge in a critical spirit the two Russian revolutions of 1917 and 1928, and it is from this viewpoint that one must determine the functions fulfilled by Marxism today in Asia and on a world scale.
10. The control of the workers over the production of their own lives win not come from their occupying the positions, on the international and world markets, abandoned by the self-destroying and so-called free competition of the monopolistic owners of the means of production. This control can only result from a planned intervention by all the classes today excluded from it into a production which today is already tending in every way to be regulated in a monopolistic and planned fashion.
A Reflection
After of years of trying to avoid anything political, I could not stand it any more and returned to the struggle. I joined a small Leftist organization with the hopes and dreams that they were serious about working for change, after about a year and half, the crap started with the organization. This group wants power, this group has power and they butt heads on this way of doing something or that way of talking or........IT IS BULLSHIT!
I am still part of this organization and they are trying to get the sh*t under control. I will give them the benefit of the doubt and will wait and see what is actually accomplished before I make my decsion to move on or not. To say that I am disappointed would be an understatement.
I was hoping that the Left had learned its lesson in the last hundred years of the same petty bullsh*t; I was WRONG! The "real" Left will NEVER be a force in American society or politics. How can they convince the people that they have a better way when they cannot agree on what word to use. They are all SILLY and PATHETIC! There are times when I am embarrassed at being part of the juvenile bullsh*t.
Will there ever be a time when the Left has its act together so that the peoplke can have a stable alternative to the crappy life capitalism has given them? Not as long as personalities dominate!
So it is written, so it is!
17 Sept 2007
15 September 2007
Blue Collar Intellectual
That title along with the title of agitator were I must coveted titles. I was proud of the titles and still am, but they are not much help when trying to educate the people. Most times I am perceived as a contrarian, someone who just wants to be negative. OK, but what is there to be positive about? My concerns are always for the majority of the people; I could care less about individual bullshit. If a society cannot concern itself with the betterment of the people as a whole, then that society needs to be replace and replaced as quickly as possible.
What Must I do?
I started blogs and invite people but few show up--HELL I would even like an argument or two--I spend so much time analyzing and the morons want to talk about bullshit! It gets frustrating trying to help people understand the political system and trying to help them make an educated choice in the elections. They do not want help! they have made up their minds months before and they stick with their choice even if he is an idiot! Leads me to believe that the country is getting more stupid with every generation. Sad to think that!
I will continue, but I will be more sarcastic!
12 September 2007