29 November 2007

We Are Owned!

In the 80's Japan began buying up the US and everyone was worried. they got into a prob and sold it back. IMO, that was not a big deal. They were buying up properties and opening factories and such. It all worked out for the better, well at least that is what they have lead us to believe.

And then China came a calling! But instead of buying up properties they bought up debt. They invested heavily in the sub-prime market. They own about $1.5 trillion of American debt. Will they ever call in the debt? That isfor conspiracy theorists.

This week UAE, bought into CitiGroup to the tune of Billions! Are they trying to help the sagging dollar? Are they trying to help avert a recession in the Us and possibly the world? Your guess is as good as anyone's.

But they own Americans! They are the owners of our future. What it, the whole world goes to sh*t? will they ever call in the debt? Only God or Allah or whatever name you assign to the maker, knows. This would make for an excellent novel! Just thinking out loud!

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