21 November 2007

A Government That Works?

Lou Dobbs of CNN fame, has a TV promo for his show where he asks, "does not the people deserve a government that works"? I found it amusing. My answer is NO! They do not! Why? Because the American people are too lazy to actually give a sh*t!

They are too uninformed and will not take the time to actually educate themselves on any given issue, with the exception of emotional bullsh*t like abortion, religion, immigration, gays--come on--none of this is a necessary dialog. WAKE UP! Americans are dying and being maimed while you worry about who is having sex with who. That is NONE of your business, to begin with and is just a silly, silly way to approach government.

Education sucks, health care sucks, families that they all say they care about, are in deep sh*t thanks to business practices and rosy forecasts. I suggest you go out and talk to real people; tell the lobbyists to shut the f*ck up and get real opinions.

The government is not working, unless you are in the top 5%. The American people are just too damn lazy and ignorant to go out and demand that these paid servants actually do their jobs and represent the real America, not the high flying capitalist assclowns. The people are dying and it is a death of their own making.

Government is NOT working! Do something about it!

I am CHUQ and I mean every f*cking word of this statement!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah, generalization, isn't it a great power! (blacks r blacks, whites r whites, and goats r goats) stop focusing on bs that won't be fixed by you, change ur blog into a person-al blog. then maybe you would be able to enjoy the outside. woah, you fight back with words, go make a bomb if ur so into this shit. i can go on forever if you say please. gg