04 November 2007

So You Want Change?

Do you really think that you can change the direction of this country? You think that your vote will give you that new direction?

HA! HA! HA! Not a f*cking chance!

Whichever party you chose to vote for is a vote for the continuation of the scary road that the US is traveling. Nothing said or done by either party is gonna make a new difference in this country. Special interests rule the political process. The only way to break this strangle hold on the politics of this country, is to break the process. This cannot be done from the ballot box, for that is just a tool to justify the existence of the process. This is not a democratic process. If it were there would be more choices than 2. Actually it is a single choice with a different name. For both parties are different sides of the same coin.

Change can happen but it will require the voter to get off their collective asses and demand and make the change happen. But, because it will take action, the status quo will remain, few are willing to get involve or to assist in change. Sad, that a country that is so proud of its democratic past, has little chance of a democratic future.


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