24 November 2007

Don't Taz Me Bro--Again

Have you seen the latest tazer incident? A guy was tazed because he would not sign a speeding ticket. This guy was not being threating or anything remotely violent. he was walking away from the cop.

Is it not about time to start enforcing some rules here? This is becoming a prob, but no one wants to acknowledge it. This thing is becoming the weapon of choice for cops; they seem to be getting into more trouble when they use a gun, so they have moved on to the next MACHO".

Take a good look at the cop in the vid and then look at some of the others; they all have that same moronic haircut. Almost looks like something the German stormtroopers would have had.

All these attacks are bullsh*t! People die and few seem to be held responsible. Why? just another piece of sh*t the American people allow to continue.

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