19 November 2007


Now here is a term that I would love to see all the definitions for. I would bet that there is as many definitions as there are hairs on my butt. To me it is just a way to spread the irrational fear of Islam. They, meaning conservatives, use this form of explanation to try and equate the expansion of Islam to that of the Nazis. I can see hoe they can equate it, for it has some of the characteristics of Fascism; cult based on murderous violence, exalts death and destruction and is intolerant of opposition. They also have this distorted view of history, where that must avenge some past digression at the hands of inferior outsiders. All this sound familiar?

But reality has to sink in eventually. Islamists have no chance of world domination, no matter what tactics they employ, their chances are zero, let me say that again, THEIR CHANCES ARE ZERO!

The use of the word "Islamofascist" is just away to try and equate it with the irrational fear that was felt after 9/11. Just another use of the now famous "fear card".

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