07 October 2007

SCHIP Compromise

Last week the Congress passed the SCHIP and sent it to the Pres and he vetoed it. Now it is kicked back and the Congress will try to override the veto. But wait! The Pres has said that a compromise needs to be found. That was very conciliatory of him, right? NOT! He is playing for time. If they go into negotiations then there will not be a vote to override anytime soon. He is playing his cards close to his chest, for the Congress may not have the votes to override. So Bush is thinking that negotiations for a compromise will give him time to make sure that the Repubs that have been rubber stamping him for 7 years will continue to do so.

After check around the Dems may go for this, if they feel they do not have the votes for the override. If that happens all is lost! The kids that would have health care will be kicked to the curb in the name of a compromise.

I say call the a/hole's bluff and go for it! Since everyone believes that the children are our future, then why risk screwing the future? All in the name of compromise.


1 comment:

cialis said...

Hi, well be sensible, well-all described