31 October 2007

It Pays To Be A Capitalist

Have you heard the news about Merill-Lynch? They just reported that they lost $8 billion because of their involvement with the subprime market. Because of their losses, the CEO has resigned. His package is worth $160 million. Yes, you heard it right! he walks away from Merill-Lynch with $160 million. His decisions lost the company $8 billion! And he is rewarded with a huge separation package? Am I the only one that sees a problem there?

Let us look at it this way--say I was a foreman on an assembly line and my decision cost the company $1 million--I would be fired and loss of benefits. Where is equality in that? The worker is screwed for a mistake and a CEO is rewarded. Sorry, that is unacceptable and the sooner the worker realize just how bad he is screwed the sooner he will find a new way.

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