04 October 2007

Clinton Looks More Like The "Gal"

A new Washington Post poll shows that Clinton is at 53% approval and Obama is at 20%. All his positioning in the papers and in interviews, etc, is not helping him at all. His positions are not popular. Clinton is looking more and more like the nominee, someone had better challenge her and soon. If not they can go home and play golf.

Yes, it will depend on how the first couple of primaries and caucuses go, but right now she looks unbeatable. Someone needs to get the motor started, time is short and the longer they let her continue to make points in the polls, the harder it will be to catch or pass her.

Clinton is running a great campaign. She is an establishment candidate and she is sounding like a people candidate. A real good sell job by her and her staff. Regardless of her chest thumping about domestic policies, she is still an "old school" politician and as such will have the support of business and political machines. None of which means the people will get anything new when she becomes Pres.

I want to see just how these other "candidates" handle the news of her popularity. If they stay silent she will win. If they attack in the media, she will win. Their only hope is to face her down and attack her policies in an open forum, face to face. If they cannot bring themselves to do so, then I suggest they give Tiger a call and go play 18.


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