05 October 2007

Americans Against The War

Americans are losing confidence in the US and its war in Iraq. A recent ABC poll found that Americans by 54% want the troops home and there are similar results for Pres job in Iraq, etc. And then people were asked about Iran and 50% of the people said they would support military action against Iran.

Am I missing something? They disapprove of the war in Iraq but would approve of military action against Iran. I got nothing here. This is just stupid and illustrates just how stupid and uninformed the American people really are.

What would they think any action, militarily toward Iran would produce? A win? Not hardly! Another "quagmire" is the best that could be accomplished. You know kinda like the one in Iraq that they do not approve of in recent polls. I am confused!

I am guessing that the nuke idea has been sold to them and this is where they are coming from. It worked for George I and his Iraq war. He went before Congress and produced "evidence" that Saddam was building nukes. Back in that day, I found it humorous because a poll taken a bout a week before his evidence, showed that the American people would support a war in Iraq to stop nuke development by Saddam. Coincidence? Not in politics! There is no such thing as coincidence. Does the nuke thing, now sound familiar?

Sorry, but I refuse to believe anything these ass clowns say in Washington. I think we are beingduped into supporting an aggressive policy. And yet we smile and go on with our little lives and give these guys all the opportunities to screw over the people. I am sooooo proud of the American people; I'm all chiked up!


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