13 October 2007

Economics Of War

I recall back in the day when Kerry was running for President he made a faux pas by saying that the poor kids go to war and rich ones go to college. Remember that? I recall the outrage of the Bush admin and handlers that he would say such a thing and used it heavily during the campaign.

But guess what? He was RIGHT! If you cannot see it then maybe you need to get out more. The bonuses for enlistment are going up and up because they are not getting enough recruits. Economic incentives are the only way that they can meet their recruiting goals. Why is that? First, not many want to die, but when you need money for whatever, the military is like an open bank account.

So with that said, one could also say that economics plays a heavy role in the recruitment of prospects. If Kerry was so damn wrong, why do they keep using cash to entice people to their death? Why are the low to middle class schools more targeted than the schools of the wealthy?

By the way, Kerry was RIGHT and you need to wake up to the facts.


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