18 December 2007

Xmas Letters For The Troops

I know all have seen this program, where school kids are asked to write letters to the troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. it is used as a moral booster. But last over 400,000 of these letters were destroyed by the military, because of a security risk. The military said that they may have anti-war words or anthrax contained within the letters. WTF? you mean men and women that are adults could not handle some anti-war rhetoric? Please! And what is up with the anthrax thing? Children are doing their own bio-weapons research......what bullshit!

Now by the way, the kids have been asked to do it again this year and the letters will be destroyed. Why? Make the people think that they are helping the troops; it keeps the people thinking that they are making a difference.

This is a sad, sad turn and needs to be addressed by the military. Why they are deceiving these children who are only trying to do their part to help the moral of the US troops overseas? Will it be an issue, no it will not. WHY?


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