07 January 2008

An open Letter

This is a letter I recieved from a Kucinich supporter in my state.

I wanted to share with you a post I sent to the Jackson Free Press this evening.

President Obama.

Well, he just might become president.

We could do a lot worse.

I like that he now says the first think he will do when president is get the joint chiefs of staff together and start the ball rolling to end the occupation of Iraq and begin regional diplomacy.

Someone (some millions) are going to have to keep him accountable to that promise. He has quite consistently voted to fund the war. There is one candidate who did vote against starting the war and has consistently voted not to fund it.

He and Edwards and Dodd and Clinton and Biden all voted for war funds for Iran also. We need to talk him out of that.

He and the others, except one, voted for the patriot act and for its renewal. I hope we can interest him in the personal liberties that our founders died for and get him to drop his support for these horrid laws.

He supports dumping nuclear waste in Yucca Mountain, Nevada like all the other candidates except one.

He supports the death penalty – like all the other candidates except the one I keep referring to and Gravel.

He won’t ditch NAFTA or the WTO, there is only one candidate willing to do that.

Like nearly all the other candidates, his healthcare plan has a nice place in it for the insurance profiteers. There is one candidate that promotes a non-profit health care plan that thinks keeping people healthy should be what health care is about, but all the others think it should be about making money.

And like all the other candidates he takes money from corporations. I wonder what the corporations think they are buying? There is just one candidate that doesn’t take corporate money.

After 40 years of supporting candidates that were electable, just not as evil as the alternatives, I want the remainder of my life to not be so wasted. If we don’t believe in, live in and work toward our highest aspirations, how would we ever expect to reach them?


Anonymous said...

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John R Liming said...

I found you --I hope you are keeping this one going --

John said...

Well, I guess the People decided that Obama was the guy for the job after all.. and we got through his administration without all that much trouble ....but I understand what you are saying because the fact is that no matter who the candidates are, somebody is going to have a list of things they don't like about them, And that is permitted in America and that is a good thing but like always, nobody who ranks as a peon in this country is ever going to change a damned thing about how it runs.